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[Solved] Mysql Connection Not Running


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upload my printscreen fails ...

url: pacifictrashvortex.heliohost.org

ftp is running, as website.

i can't connect to mysql using dreamweaver, cause the connection returns me the following error:

MYSQL Error 1129

host 'MYHOSTNAME INDICATED AS DHCP' is blocked because many connectios errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

i've created my database

i've imported regularly my existing tables

i've created my users

i've allowed by '%' remote hosts to access to my database


why i can't connect dinamically my pages?

please help me

thaks in advance


p.s. why uploading images usually fails?


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People never close their connections and have pages take 10-15 seconds to load such as mass email scripts. This takes up resources that could otherwise go to another user who needs them which appears to be happening to you.


That, and poor coding results in high MySQL load which can sometimes produce errors such as those.

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Short answer: The server is being abused. I've been receiving connection errors all day as well. Nothing we can do until the server straightens out. However, it's also possible that you connected too many times with errors such as incorrect password or such. MySQL will automatically block you if you reach the limit set by the server. For a 100% accurate answer you will have to wait for an admin to respond.


As for your image upload issue, it's likely your processing. I've never had any issues with such.

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Short answer: The server is being abused. I've been receiving connection errors all day as well. Nothing we can do until the server straightens out. However, it's also possible that you connected too many times with errors such as incorrect password or such. MySQL will automatically block you if you reach the limit set by the server. For a 100% accurate answer you will have to wait for an admin to respond. As for your image upload issue, it's likely your processing. I've never had any issues with such.


Thanks a lot for the moment...

I've used this simple php code to connect:



# FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"

# Type="MYSQL"

# HTTP="true"

$hostname_news = "johnny.heliohost.org:3306";

$database_news = "dariomir_progetti";

$username_news = "dariomir_00@localhost";

$password_news = "XXXXXXXXXX";

$news = mysql_pconnect($hostname_news, $username_news, $password_news) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);


the other pages requiring this function in this way:

<?php require_once('Connections/news.php'); ?>


Very very simple...


I've just tried to work whit dinamical data, and i had to connect whit database to organize that.

It's not first time I'm using dinamical query...and never experenced this kind of error or multiple falling down during connections

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It has nothing to do with other users abusing the server. It has to do with YOU having too many errors. Read the error message: "dhcp-ccd-146-111-.net.uniroma.2.it is blocked because of many connection errors." If someone is causing a ton of errors and appears to be abusing the server then their IP is blocked. If there is someone other than you connecting to MySQL from this same IP and causing a lot of errors then maybe it's their fault too, but usually it's just yourself causing that error. Anyways, I have flushed your errors from the system. Let us know if it's still not working for you.

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