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[Solved] Incorrect Queued Or Removed? Mikess


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1) Create a new topic named "Queued: hh_username", replacing hh_username with your HelioHost username

2) In your post, include the following information:

a. your HelioHost username: mikess

b. the server your account is on: johnny

c. your HelioHost main domain: speedosoftwares.tk

since a few days ago I can't login on the cpanel even on password request change... (it does allow me to change the password with the user account)

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Your account is neither queued nor removed. It's actually active and you've logged into cpanel recently. If you're having trouble logging in it might be because you triggered brute force protection. If the server thought you were trying to guess your password it locks you out for a time. Your account does not currently have brute force protection enabled though so if this is what happened it already cleared on it's own. Try logging in http://heliohost.org/ once, and if it says invalid login try http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/ resetting your password once. If the password reset doesn't work let us know and we can manually reset your password.

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