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KInd of a noob question I guess. I have dedicated SSL IP address, and I want to have just the "Contact" page use https. I have installed the CRT,CA and it looks like it should work. So far everything I've tried does not work.


What steps should i take to get HTTP on just that one page?


Last time I did this I placed a file in a separate folder, and referred to the page as "https://contact.php"


I must have missed or forgotten something? Your help greatly appreciated!


I don't see an SSL certificate installed for your domain. Perhaps this will help?


  1. Go to http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/ssl/csrs.html
  2. Select your domain from the dropdown box (if you have multiple domains.)
  3. Fill out country, state, city, company, company division, email, and passphrase for your business or self, not the server. If some of the fields don't really apply, like company division, just put website or something generic.
  4. Click generate and you should get two big boxes with all sorts of random letters and numbers.
  5. Copy paste the first box that starts with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
  6. Go to whatever website you're purchasing your SSL certificate from. For instance you can do a 90 free SSL certificate from comodo.com as a trial. http://ssl.comodo.com/free-ssl-certificate.php
  7. (From here on out I will walk you through setting up a free 90 day certificate from Comodo. Other certificate providers will be similar.)
  8. Copy from your cPanel tab the CSR and paste it into the website from --BEGIN CERT to --END CERT.
  9. "Select the server software used to generate the CSR" is WHM/cPanel.
  10. Fill out the rest of the options, and then click "Next."
  11. Now they will want to verify that you own the domain you are trying to set up SSL on. The easiest way is to look at the email addresses they have listed and then verify that they are created with this link http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/mail/pops.html
  12. If the email address is created and tested select it from the list, and click continue.
  13. Now you get to fill out some more information. Some of the fields should be autopopulated from what you typed in earlier. Additional required fields are address, zipcode, etc. If your company has an office use that, otherwise your home address. Fill out all their required information and click next.
  14. If there aren't any problems with your data you should no arrive at their terms of use agreement. Click accept (if you accept) and continue to payment information.
  15. If you're doing the free trial the total should be $0 otherwise enter payment information to pay for your certificate. Continue to the next steps.
  16. Check the email address you selected earlier, and you should receive an email to validate that you own the domain. Type the code into their link.
  17. Once you have passed validation they will email you a file called yourdomain.crt to your contact email address that you typed in way up in step 3 (unless you changed it somewhere along the line) not necessarily to the same validation email address that you just used.
  18. (From here on the steps should be the same no matter if you're using a free certificate, or which company you purchased from.)
  19. Open up http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/ssl/crts.html
  20. In the email copy from --BEGIN CERT to --END CERT and paste that into the big box labeled "Paste the crt below" then click upload.
  21. Now your cPanel has all the required components to setup SSL, but it still hasn't been installed. Go to http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/ssl/install.html
  22. Once again select your domain from the dropdown box (if you have more than one) and it should auto-populate the three big boxes below with the correct information. I like to manually verify the first few characters of each box to make sure it isn't coming up with weird random data.
  23. If everything looks good scroll to the bottom and click "Install certificate."
  24. Wait patiently while the SSL is installed. It can take a few minutes.

If this is what you already did, or if you follow these steps and the certificate still won't install properly feel free to PM me the .crt, .key, and the .ca text blocks and I can install it for you. If you do decide to send me a PM please make sure you post on this thread letting me know about the PM because otherwise I will never remember to check for new messages. Good luck!




Ok......what the heck am U doing wrong? I got the certificate and installed exactly per Krydos's instructions, It looks like the SSL cert is installed,,,,,,but I;m missing something? How do I get https to work in Only my contact page on my azseniorservices.com website? Did I goof up somehow? Me scratching head.. :blink: ,,,and going cross-eyed!


Many Thanks for your help!


I still don't see a SSL certificate installed for your domain. If you want me to try installing it for you just PM me the .crt, .key, and .ca text blocks. Just make sure you let me know on this thread that you PMed me otherwise I never check for PMs.


Ooooh. That makes sense. Is it true then that you cannot use the SSL cert and CA generated by cPanel SSL Manager to secure your site? Is there a way to do that?

Yes, the instructions I gave are for installing a root signed ssl certificate that won't give visitors to your site an error message. Using a self signed certificate will give your visitors an error such as:

The site's security certificate is not trusted!

You attempted to reach azseniorservices.com, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Chrome cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications.

You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site.


Krydos, I xcant PM you.... I get


The following errors were found

The member Krydos cannot receive any new messages

This personal message has not been sent


If you can get to azseniorservices.com I uploaded the Comodo Zip file to /public_html/ in a folder you will know is for you, Aaaaarg, I give up ...can you help me with my SSL please? I must have missed something but ran out of ideas, I need it for the contact page. Again, many thanks, Gloria

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