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[Answered] Email Refusals


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This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.


A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its

recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:



SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:

host mx2.comcast.net []: 421 imta35.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net comcast Reverse DNS failure :

Try again later: retry timeout exceeded


SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:

host smtp.mediacombb.net []: 554 dsmdc-mail-imta-01 bizsmtp Connection from Refused. Please see http://csi.cloudmark.com/reset-request/ if you feel this is in error - POL003


SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:

host smtp.mchsi.com []: 554 dsmdc-mail-imta-01 bizsmtp Connection from Refused. Please see http://csi.cloudmark.com/reset-request/ if you feel this is in error - POL003



Received this email:

Dear Ryan,


Thank you for contacting Cloudmark.


I have reset the reputation of this IP, so you should see delivery improve

shortly. Please note that updates do not occur instantly but should generally

happen within an hour of receiving this response.


Please also note, however, that this IP does not have publicly available

reverse DNS (rDNS). We suggest that you configure your rDNS to have a fully

qualified domain name as many ISPs will not accept mail from IPs with no rDNS.

Also, a lack of rDNS is likely to affect your Cloudmark reputation score in

the future as well as your reputation with most ISPs and DNSbls.


Kindest regards,


Brock Henry

Cloudmark Customer Support


Added <donotdeliver> to my email addresses to protect from spam.

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Unless you are an admin with the ability to suspend or remove spam accounts from the hosting service you shouldn't request a reputation score reset. The reason why is because if you request a reset and the IP address continues to send spam mail it will actually make things worse. For instance they could refuse to reset the reputation in the future. Users should simply post the error message and Heliohost staff will remove the problematic accounts that caused the block in the first place and then request the reset once the problem has been taken care of.

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