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[Inactive] A New Stevie Ssl Account


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unfortunately I've paid for the dedicated IP (email: eishimmel at myopera.com)

but can't create an account as the daily signup limit has exceeded.

Stupid of me, as I am not sure if I can manage to register at the right time.

Could you please refund or create an account for me?


Thanks in advance,


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Once you have your account created let us know here so we can assign the dedicated IP required for SSL. If you decide to cancel your account creation I believe paypal gives you 30 days for a full refund (including paypal fees), and we can provide a refund after that too but you won't get any fees you may have paid to paypal back. You've got a bit of time to decide what you want to do; there is no need to panic. Just let us know if you need the refund or if you get your account created either way.

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