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[Solved] Cloudflare Ips Whitelist Request.


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I'm assuming you want this just so you can use Cloudflare?


If you just want to set cloudflare up, you don't need those whitelisted. These instructions were posted by Krydos a while back:

Set your domain's nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org
  1. Park, or addon your domain through cPanel.
  2. Wait 24 hours and make sure your domain is working as expected.
  3. Log into cloudflare's website, and type in your domain.
  4. Cloudflare will copy all the existing, proven to work settings and instruct you to change your nameservers to something like olga.cloudflare.com and cleetus.cloudflare.com.
  5. Log into your domain registrar's website and make the changes.
  6. Wait 15 minutes to 48 hours for your DNS changes to go through, and cloudflare will alert you when everything is good to go.

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