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[Solved] Queued: Isalva22

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Suspended: isalva22


user: isalva22

server: johnny

main domain: isalvador22.heliohost.org


i use ftp for up load 37 zip files contain moodle, and unziped them, yesterday

i created an user and a mysql db, i did the same in 000webhost and they do

not suspended my account, please unsuspend my account.

moodle trafic is supported by your service, i have a 150 students??




Ivan E. Salvador


user: isalvador22 in helio.net

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isalvador22.heliohost.org is showing Queued, not suspended. If you created the account in the past day or so, you may just need to wait a bit longer for the domain to be configured. cPanel usually starts working before the domain does on new accounts.


Also, Johnny domains sometimes stay Queued for more than 24 hours due to server load.

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