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[Solved] Request For Ssh Commands (Installing Tracks)

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Hi Guys!


I'm installing Tracks (www.getontracks.org), but it requires that some SSH commands be run in a terminal window. Is this possible?


My account username is "brimley" and my server name is supermattkelly.heliohost.com. In the subdirectory "tracks".


Here are the commands to be run in said subdirectory:


gem install bundler


bundle install --without development,test


bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production


bundle exec rake assets:precompile

bundle exec rails server -e production




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SSH isn't provided for user accounts because it is too much of a security risk for shared hosting.


If you need to install ruby gems this is the link to use: http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/module_installers/main.html?lang=ruby


Most commands to set up RoR applications can be run through cron jobs. Just be sure not to exceed 2 cron jobs per day or your account will be suspended.

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