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[Solved] Java Support Not Working


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my java support is not working anymore, could you please check it again. Only the Apache for PHP is now working, but if I go on sonda.ba:8080 I get the Tomcat Manager Console, but no WARs can be compiled. Besides, I also wanted to ask is it possible to get access to the Tomcat Manager Console ?


Domain: sonda.ba

Username: sonda


Kind Regards,

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If you would like to deploy a .war file follow these steps:

  1. Create your account on Johnny http://www.heliohost.org/home/create-johnny-account
  2. Request Java to be enabled on your account http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/74-java-requests/
  3. Wait patiently and keep your account active, because Java can only be enabled on a finite number of account at a time, and you must wait in line to have it enabled. It can take up to a month to get Java enabled depending on how many other people are in line ahead of you.
  4. Once Java is enabled on your account upload your .war file to your home directory. Ex: /home/username/MyProject.war
  5. Request to have the .war file deployed by creating a new topic in Customer Service http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/45-customer-service/

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Reading through the logs it looks like Java was enabled on your account on April 9th, and then on April 21st it was removed for abuse. Java can only be enabled on a limited number of accounts at once, and each account that it is enabled on increases the system resources that tomcat uses. Your account was using the same resources as roughly 20 normal accounts, so it was automatically removed. You can request java again http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/74-java-requests/ if you would like, and we can give you another chance.

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