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[Solved] Suspended: Leo18226

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My account has been suspended (again!), but I have just uploaded one or two files and checked if my site was running properly. I don't understand what's happening, can someone help me please?


And if it's for load problem, which file is causing the problem?


HelioHost username: leo18226

The server my account is on: Stevie

My HelioHost main domain: leo18226.heliohost.org


Thank you !

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Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server.


Note that this your second suspension, unless you fix the problem, a next suspension will be permanent.


If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.

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I haven't done anything (or at least I don't think) that would have caused a high server load. Can you tell me which file is causing this problem?


In the meantime, I will just deny access to my website till the problem is fixed.

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I haven't done anything (or at least I don't think) that would have caused a high server load. Can you tell me which file is causing this problem?

It doesn't always work like that. Most CMS and forums just run through a very small number of files or just index.php with includes that load all of your plugins and themes and all of the other files that it needs to run. It's your website not ours, so you have to fix whatever problems you have. We just monitor how much load each account causes, and if the server as a whole begins to perform poorly the highest load account gets suspended to keep the thousands of other accounts that are not causing high load online. If the overall server load is low all the individual accounts can cause as much load as they want without fear of suspension. Anyways, since you asked here are the files that caused the most load on your account: index.php, posting.php, and viewtopic.php.

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