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[Solved] Asking Permission To Have More Than One Account


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Hi im asking permission to have more than one account on Stevie server my 1st account that im using for a privet guild that im runing.


which can be found at :


a. User Name: raykai

b. Site Url: http://wildagenda.zapto.org

c. Server: stevie


the reason im asking for an other account is that il be starting a website for the community for the city where i live and i do not want it available from the same account as the 2nd account will have more ppl than jest me building the website and scene the 2nd account is on a totally an other subject than the 1st i would feel some how bad if some one from the 2nd website found a way to get to the 1st account using the account link and all so if i would build the 2 websites on the same account the account (web space) with the 2 website in the long run would conflict. not to say that the account name of my 1st account is personal.


i can not give you the info of the 2nd account as i have not created it as im waiting for the green ok before creating it.

i will post the info ones i have the ok and have created the account.



im asking for the accounts to be immune to the multi-account detection systems.


which i have read that i could ask from: http://www.heliohost.org/home/component/content/article/1-homenews/215-multiple-accounts-policy


hoping i have answered what i had to :)


sorry for the other post some how the post button is buggy with the Torch browser you can delet the other ones sorry about this but i havet seen a delete button on the pages


now i feel bad :(

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the reason im asking for an other account is that il be starting a website for the community for the city where i live and i do not want it available from the same account as the 2nd account will have more ppl than jest me building the website and scene the 2nd account is on a totally an other subject than the 1st i would feel some how bad if some one from the 2nd website found a way to get to the 1st account using the account link and all so if i would build the 2 websites on the same account the account (web space) with the 2 website in the long run would conflict. not to say that the account name of my 1st account is personal.


The easy fix would be to only grant the rest of the team FTP access to the folder containing the addon domain, instead of giving them access to the cPanel account. In that scenario the team would have to script creation of databases they would need, and they wouldn't have access to Softaculous, but that's about the only drawbacks, meanwhile they'd never know a thing about your primary site.


Usually the multiple account policy is for having a site on Stevie that's up most the time and a site on Johnny where you can mess with the extra services he offers. Keep in mind that the earlier suggestion is just my opinion and does not reflect an administrative decision.

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is it possible to have more disc space ? i really enjoy helionet hosting :)/>

Yes, it's possible.

And as if that wasn't enough, we're also throwing in 500 MB of extra space on the winning account, that's 1GB of total storage for all your webpages plus whatever else you feel like storing, it's your space, use it however you want (as long as it doesn't break the ToS).

You could also offload some of your large files onto other unlimited storage services. What all is taking up the most space on your account?

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il look it up ones I can log in for odd reason my page isn't loading for the cpanel.... but from what I remember the folder that is the biggest is DKP_beta2 which is a CMS for guilds (the csm name is EQdkp-Plus (http://eqdkp-plus.eu/en/) wich im hosting under http://wildagenda.zapto.org its a world of warcraft guild page theres nothing in this part of the site that I can host from an other storage service as that would break the CMS if I would have files that I could send to an other file hosting storage service I would.


I would all so like to do a back up of my websits but there's isn't room for me to create a zip file on the host to than transfer it over to my pc. and when I try to transfer all the files with FTP don't know how to say this but my part of the server stops responding and all the 3 websites on hosting goes offline for like 30mins or so before I can accesses them same with the ftp I get a


Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted

Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Connection timed out


Error: File transfer failed after transferring 69,084,112 bytes in 76 seconds

Connection timed out

Error: Could not connect to server


say after I ftp about 20 files


ok site is back up .... wird


ya I jest looked it up and its the CSM that's taking a lot of room / on top of that the new website ill need phpbb3 and dolphin.


but if theirs a way for me to get an other 500mb that would solve all my probes:)

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