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[Solved] Cpanel Issues


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I am having trouble accessing my cPanel (and in turn FTP), as it is not accepting my password. I have tried to reset my password multiple times, but with no success. I would be willing to give my password through a PM if necessary. I have tried to reset my cache and my cookies also as I know that the cPanel login is dependent on these working.


Domain: timnoto.cz.cc

User: timnoto

Server: Johnny



P.S. Does anyone know how to access WHM? My regular user and pass aren't working, but this could also be because of my primary issue.

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Your account was locked by brute force protection because the system detected someone trying to log in over and over with the wrong password. This lock has been removed and you should now be able to log into your account. Try ONCE with your old password. If that doesn't work try resetting your password ONCE. If that doesn't work let us know and we can manually reset your password. Also make sure you delete or update any saved passwords in any ftp clients or any other program that you have that might try to login with the wrong information over and over.


Yes, all the admins know how to log into WHM, because they are administrators. Users do not have access to WHM.


Finally, do not ever give your password to anyone whether through PM or in any other manner. Doing so gravely compromises your account security and you are responsible for anything your account and anyone who has access to your account does. No true member of the Heliohost staff will ever ask you for your password for any reason. If anyone does ask for your password let us know because they are undoubtedly trying to impersonate a staff member in order to steal accounts.

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It worked. Thanks. After how many tries does the brute force protection kick in? Never mind about the WHM I just found a way to manualy install the script I needed from Softcalous. Softaclous wanted me to enable suPHP to do it.

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suPHP is already enabled on both servers. The first brute force ban comes at 5 wrong attempts, and if you continue guessing passwords the length of your ban increases. The details of the number of wrong guesses and length of bans after that is intentionally kept from public knowledge because knowing that would make it easier for criminals to design brute force bots that maximize the number of guesses per day.

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