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[Solved] Suspended: Daveymcq

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Username: daveymcq

Server: Johnny

Domain: daveymcq.heliohost.org



I don't know why I got suspended. The last thing I was doing was uploading cgi scripts that I compiled in c++.

Other than that, PHP is my main language.



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On February 27th your account caused 158% more load than the second highest account. On February 28th your account was suspended about 7 hours into the day. Even though your account was only active for less than a third of the day your account caused 606% more load than the second highest account. I don't remember the exact numbers (and since it was quite a while ago the logs have been cycled), but your cgi script had something like 300 CPU hours when your account was suspended. As a comparison Apache (the process that sends and receives http protocol from the server) has been running for about 418 hours, and has less than 250 CPU hours. So your one script caused more load in a few short hours than the main process on the webserver does in almost three weeks. All told I'd estimate that your account caused at least an hour of downtime for the several thousand other accounts on your server.


Usually when we see this kind of abuse it's because some jerk is trying to crash the server on purpose. I'm surprised you're even asking for your account to be unsuspended. Can you explain any of the above? Can we get any assurances that you won't do any of the above again? What on earth were you even doing or trying to do?

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I have no idea what I did to make your system resources go so haywire... The only thing I can possibly think of is my program went into an infinate loop?

I have never written a web application in C/C++ before, and I screwed up alot just trying to learn to process basic information. Perhaps I should have tested them on my local machine. I'm sorry about any inconvenience/damage this may have caused you. I just wanted to learn to write gci in my favorite language, without having to pay. I will try to look into ways/best practices to lower system resources.



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That really isn't what we asked for anyways, what we're wondering is what your program's intended behaviour is.


The only thing I can possibly think of is my program went into an infinate loop?

No, that's not all it is, the servers operate using daemon programs, meaning programs that by definition run as infinite loops in the background, so again, what was it that your program was meant to do.


Perhaps I should have tested them on my local machine.

Yes, that's always a good plan.


I just wanted to learn to write gci in my favorite language, without having to pay.

I can understand that, in fact I kinda like C/C++, so I bought a C/C++ CGI book for $0.28. I also love Ruby so I rewrote a C++ assignment that used functions not supported on the servers in Ruby as a CGI script, so believe me I'm quite familiar with wanting to stick with what you know.

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This one please.


You say that all applications run as infanite loops? Ok... Here is a rough idea of my script.


I wrote the script to handle GET requests.

I use the C standard library tokenize the environment variable QUERY_STRING

I print them out, maby multiple times with a loop, just to see the results.

Also, I created a half-baked unencode function to unencode the request.


...Thats it so far.


Note that I have only been learning this for a couple of days before getting suspended, so thats not complicated yet.


I'm clueless how this happend. The only other thing I can think of is mabey because I leave the page open over night?

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Alright, your account has been unsuspended. Please test your scripts before executing them on the server, and you're only allowed to have one active account at a time unless you receive permission first.

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