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[Inactive] Multiple Accounts


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I received an email recently regarding "multiple accounts", and yes I am running 3 separate sites on the host currently. I am literate, and I did ignore your "one account policy" at first, I am sorry.


I would like to use 3 separate accounts because they are 3 separate websites, and to combine them all into one account wouldn't work with the 500mb disk space limit, but they are all very important sites, and finding other free hosts that provide the features given here is basically impossible.

One of them is a website for a volunteer group, the other is for a community that has been around for a year and a half now, and the other is for a game I am programming.

None of them are "heavy" sites, maybe except the community forum one, which was constantly "attacked" by spam bots previously (over 50% of the users on the forum were spam bots at one point), and the number of spam bots was constantly rising, like 2-3 registrations a day, causing high MySQL load. I've put up defenses now like KeyCAPTCHA and StopForumSpam plugins, and since then I have not seen any spam, so it should be fine now.


If my accounts could be kept, that would be great. Otherwise, if I could be informed before account removal (so I can save the files and databases), I would appreciate that too.



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to combine them all into one account wouldn't work with the 500mb disk space limit

211 MB + 9.8 MB + 1.1 MB + .268 MB = 222.2 MB

222.2 MB < 500 MB

500 MB - 222.2 MB = 277.8 MB of free space after combining them.

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I have account "opms" on Stevie that uses over 300mb, that one is the website for a volunteer group that I mentioned above.

I've deleted "kekema" and "vstudios", but they are not "fully deleted" yet, if you could delete those so I could add them to my addon domains that would be great.

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