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[Inactive] Dedicated IP Purchase


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The transaction ID isn't really necessary, but knowing your Heliohost username so we know which account to grant the dedicated IP to is. Also, it can take a few days for the payment to go through depending on the banks involved and paypal. Once the transaction is finalized you will receive your dedicated IP address.

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You have three options:

  1. If you're still wanting a dedicated IP address you must let us know what Heliohost hosting account is associated with the dedicated IP payment.
  2. If you're wanting a refund just let us know, but you're quickly running out of time for one to be issued.
  3. If you're wanting your $12 to be considered a donation to keep Heliohost running you have our thanks, and you don't need to respond to this thread in any way.

This is the last time I bump your thread so 7 days from now if there are no new responses this thread will be automatically flagged as inactive and closed.

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