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[Inactive] Cpanel: Addon Domains And Subdomains Show Zero

Imam Indra Prayudi

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I have a problem in my cPanel, where addon domains and subdomains show 0 in the homepage and when clicked, a message "No addon domains/subdomains are configured." shown respectively. While the existing addon domains/subdomains work well, I cannot add/edit/delete another.


My main domain is: prayudi.heliohost.org


Thanks for your attention.



Imam Indra Prayudi

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I've looked at this issue several times in the last week, and I can't figure out why your domains won't show up. This actually used to be a problem for all accounts on Stevie, and I fixed it. The issue was incorrect permissions caused the domains to work fine, but just not show up in cPanel. I'm unsure why fixing the permissions fixed all of the other accounts, but not yours. I've even double checked all the permissions on your domain files and everything is the way it is supposed to be.


Nothing is actually wrong with your account; it's really just a cosmetic issue, because as you stated yourself the domains are all working correctly.


However, if you would like your domains to show up in cPanel I think this process will work for you. If you have an addon domain, for instance, lawnosta.com just use this link to delete the addon domain: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/addon/confirmdodeldomain.html?domain=lawnosta.com&subdomain=lawnosta_prayudi.heliohost.org and then create it again through cPanel onto the same subdirectory. If you need help figuring out the links to use just let us know, but basically I just edit the url to the addon domain, and the subdomain that the addon domain uses. The reason I don't want to do this for you is in case it breaks some of your websites that are already working the way you want them, plus I would have to choose the passwords to use for each addon domain.

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