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[Solved] Domain Not Activated Yet - Gprra.cz.cc


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I was having trouble with my site - www.gprra.co.cc, as the co.cc domain was shut down. Hence I changed my domain from co.cc to cz.cc


I ran the script for changing the domain configuration from co.cc to cz.cc in heliohost and I got the message that it would take 24 hours to activate the new configuration.


Its almost 3 days over, but the domain configuration is yet to get activated... would you please help with this issue.


the new URL is : gprra.co.cc


My user id is gprra




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Try making a CNAME record pointing www.gprra.cz.cc to gprra.cz.cc


Thanks for the suggestion... But the DNS Zone Editor already shows a CNAME as follows:


gprra.cz.cc. 14400 IN A Edit Delete

localhost.gprra.cz.cc. 14400 IN A Edit Delete

mail.gprra.cz.cc. 14400 IN CNAME gprra.cz.cc Edit Delete

www.gprra.cz.cc. 14400 IN CNAME gprra.cz.cc Edit Delete

ftp.gprra.cz.cc. 14400 IN CNAME gprra.cz.cc Edit Delete


Any clue, why its not working?

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