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[Solved] My Username Doesn't Work


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My username doesn't work anymore. I tried to login at Cpanel: http://johnny.helioh...org:2082/login/ but's it returns that: "login is invalid". I tried to reset the password, but it doesn't work too. I think it might need a manual password reset.


I need help because I can't login.


Username: marino

Main Domain: http://buildingrush.com.br




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I tested the password before I emailed it to you. I assure you it works. It still sounds to me like you're not typing your username in all lowercase letters. Try copy pasting the username/password from the email to make sure you're not typing something wrong.

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I tested the password before I emailed it to you. I assure you it works.

Like I already said your account works and the password I emailed you works, but if you want to created a new account you first need to delete your current account http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete and then create a new account http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup

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