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[Solved] Parked Domain Issue


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I had originally added an addon domain. Then I changed it to a Parked Domain. The domain is blissful-psychosis.com, Now when i go the domain it shows a 404 error. Looking at the logs it looks like it is still trying to point to where the addon domain was. Is there something you can do or do I just need to wait and it will fix itself?




File does not exist: /home1/night/public_html/blissful-psychosis.com


Username: night

default domain: Blissful-Psychosis.heliohost.org

server: stevie

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The domain blissful-psychosis.com is set up to load the contents of /home1/night/public_html/ The reason you're having a problem is because this change was made about 8 hours ago. Domains take 24 hours or less to show changes that you have made. That means that in the worst case scenario you should expect the server to continue looking in the old location for 24 hours after you made the change.


For future reference -- or if you see this message soon enough -- you could have made this change seamless by leaving the same files in /home1/night/public_html/blissful-psychosis.com/ so whichever folder apache goes to look for the domain it works without errors, and then sometime in the 24 hours after you made the change apache would automatically switch to the new folder and visitors to your site would be none the wiser.

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