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[Solved] Queued: Dearmome

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Heliohost Username: dearmome

Server: Stevie

Domain: dearmoments.com



I signed up for an account early this morning and I apologize if I am jumping the gun, but I have been checking the status. When I first got the email (4 hours ago) it said i was 28th in queue. I have been checking it and have not moved down to 27th. I am STILL 28th in queue after 4 hours. Am I just being impatient? Or does it normally take hours to move one spot in the queue?

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If you just need your account to be created quickly you should have chosen Johnny. New accounts on Johnny are currently taking about 5 seconds to be created. You have to wait a little longer for Stevie accounts.


If your question is whether new accounts are being created, they are; you're number 26 now. The reason new accounts take so long to create is because it causes a lot of load to create new account so the server balances the creation throughout the day so it doesn't overload the current active accounts.


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