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hi everybody,


since yesterday, i could not send e-mail using TheBat. I can receive emails without any problem.

I am on stevie.

It looks like there is an issue with the S/MIME certificate. the log says it has expired.


here is the log (sorry it's in french):



07/09/2012, 12:37:36: IMAP - Connexion au serveur IMAP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 143

07/09/2012, 12:37:36: IMAP - Connecté au serveur IMAP (stevie.heliohost.org)

>07/09/2012, 12:37:41: IMAP - Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2011 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for distribution information.

07/09/2012, 12:37:42: IMAP - Authentification (utilisateur: "contact+*********.***", méthode: "LOGIN")...

07/09/2012, 12:37:42: IMAP - Authentification du serveur IMAP réussie, le serveur dit "LOGIN Ok."

07/09/2012, 12:37:57: SEND - Envoi des messages - 1 message(s) en file d'attente

07/09/2012, 12:37:57: SEND - Connexion au serveur SMTP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 465

07/09/2012, 12:37:58: SEND - Initialisation de la négotiation TLS

>07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Certificat N°S: 017026CFD5, algorithme : RSA (2048 bits), délivré du 06/09/2011 04:31:43 au 05/09/2012 04:31:43, pour 1 domaine(s): stevie.heliohost.org.

>07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Propriétaire : US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org.

>07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Ce certificat est auto-émis (le Propriétaire est aussi l'Émetteur du certificat)

!07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Échec de la négotiation TLS. Le certificat du serveur est invalide (Ce certificat S/MIME a expiré).

07/09/2012, 12:47:35: SEND - Envoi des messages - 1 message(s) en file d'attente

07/09/2012, 12:47:35: SEND - Connexion au serveur SMTP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 465

07/09/2012, 12:47:37: SEND - Initialisation de la négotiation TLS

>07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Certificat N°S: 017026CFD5, algorithme : RSA (2048 bits), délivré du 06/09/2011 04:31:43 au 05/09/2012 04:31:43, pour 1 domaine(s): stevie.heliohost.org.

>07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Propriétaire : US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org.

>07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Ce certificat est auto-émis (le Propriétaire est aussi l'Émetteur du certificat)

!07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Échec de la négotiation TLS. Le certificat du serveur est invalide (Ce certificat S/MIME a expiré).

07/09/2012, 13:17:37: IMAP - Déconnecté





I cant use TheBat on smtp.domainename.com on port 25 either.

No problem sending mails with roundcube.

It's the first time i have such kind of problem with smtp.




thanks for your answer. it did not work either. i've been using the same config for The Bat for many months without any problem.

would you please kindly check if the server' s/mime certificate has expired?



i saw you renewed a certificate, but it is not working yet. looks like the s/mime certificate is still the problem.

is there a way i can be of any help?



-- 8< ---


18/09/2012, 21:54:09: SEND - Connexion au serveur SMTP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 465

18/09/2012, 21:54:10: SEND - Initialisation de la négotiation TLS

>18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Certificat N°S: B09DC9CA, algorithme : RSA (2048 bits), délivré du 15/09/2012 17:09:06 au 15/09/2013 17:09:06, pour 1 domaine(s): stevie.heliohost.org.

>18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Propriétaire : US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org.

>18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Racine: US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org

!18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Échec de la négotiation TLS. Le certificat du serveur est invalide (Ce certificat S/MIME a expiré).




This might help:


PO3 SMTP INCOMING - mail.yourdomain.com

SMTP OUTGOING -mail.yourdomain.com





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