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Problem With Drupal And Mysql


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I've a little problem with my site. I'm moving an entire site from another server.

I've just configured the settings.php file, and my page shows this error: "The mysqli error was: Access denied for user 'ajanin_ciyne'@'johnny.heliohost.org' (using password: YES)".

I've checked several times the password, the username and the login password, but no success yet. My user is added to the database.

This one is the code line in settings.php:

"$db_url = 'mysqli://ajanin_ciyne:XXXXXXXX@johnny.heliohost.org/ajanin_ciyne';" (the XXXXXXXX just hides my password)


I've tried changing the "mysqli" for "mysql", but still remains the same error.


My site: www.ciyne.com.ar


I would really appreciate if someone could help me.




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