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[SOLVED] Website Not Showing


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Recemtly purchased a new domain and changed the hosting to the correct domain Also put heliohost dns names in at 123 reg but the website isn't showing this is what the support at 123 reg said


Dear Sandra,


Thank you for contacting 123-reg on the 30th November 2011.


Please check your settings over at the hosting provider that you have as there seems to be a nameservers loop in place.

Please make sure everything is setup properly at that end as here all the settings look ok.




If we can be of any further help with regard to this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Kind regards,







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You're going to have to be a little more specific. What server are you on? What is your username? What is the domain that isn't working? When did you park it? When did you set the nameservers? Is the problem still occuring? Anything else that might help us troubleshoot this issue?

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