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[SOLVED] What Happens If I Violated Your Tos?


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Hi, my website was hosted by 000webhost.com, but recently I've been banned, and still I don't know the reason why.

Now I'd like to migrate my website on your web host service, but first I have a question for you.

In case of an eventual violation of your TOS (I really don't want to do it, but since I don't know which part of my site was in violation, it is possible that someone will report a violation again), you'd block only the web page in violation or the whole site? Would I be able to remove only the unfit contents, and to continue the publication of the rest?


Thank you,


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You account would be suspended. That involves your passwords all being changed and you being locked out of any access and all requests for any of your pages would result in the suspended message.


Our TOS are fairly simple so I'm sure you could decide whether or not your site would break our rules before you even create your account. http://www.heliohost.org/h-terms.html If you really don't know whether or not it would break the TOS feel free to describe the site and we can let you know without all the work of creating the account, setting it all up, but only to end up suspended here too.

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After reading your TOS, it seems to me my site would comply; but I have other questions: so if my account was suspended it would be impossible for me to remove the inappropriate content, right? (my passwords would be changed)

Would you tell me what would be the violation? 000webhost hasn't done it, so I'm in this unpleasant situation..

Thank you,


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