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[SOLVED] Two directories (tmp and logs) showing not writeable

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User: bkoese

Domain: bkoese.heliohost.org

Server: Stevie



Hello Alltogether,


I hope I'm right here with my question. Some time ago I deleted my account by mistake (don't ask, long story). I then created a new account on Stevie with the same username I had before, so that all settings are the same as before.


I restored my Database and my Home Directory from Backup and now my Joomla 1.7 Site works fine again.

The only thing I noticed is that I am unable to install any new Plugins, Modules, Components and Templates. These do not work because they need to be uploaded as ZIP file over the "Extensions" menu in order to auto install, and every time I try to upload such a file I get the following error for every file I try:


JFolder::create: Could not create directory

Warning: Failed to move file!

Unable to find install package


I tried this with my bkoese.helihost.org domain as well as with my toplevel domain - same result.


Please note that anything created in the Database, eg. Users, Articles etc is working fine, so is the file upload when I upload a picture.

The only problem seems to be the install as it tries to write into TMP and LOGS.


I checked the Directory permissions and found that the TMP and LOG directories are "Not Writeable" - which they were before on the old account when everything worked...


directory permissions that are not writable:

/home1/bkoese/public_html/logs (Log directory) ..... Unwritable

/home1/bkoese/public_html/tmp (Temp directory) .....Unwritable


I checked the logs and tmp directories in the above path and both of them have a CHMOD of 755 which means they would indeed be writable.


I then created a new directory /home1/bkoese/public_html/tmp1 and gave it CHMOD 777, just for testing.

I then changed the configuration file of my Joomla installation to point at the new tmp1 which had been created under my user.

Again it showed as not writeable - so I reverted my changes again and deleted the tmp1 folder.


Could it be that because I created a new user and then restored the home directory from Backup the system still thinks for these 2 directories that I am not the owner and hence does not let me write into them? CHMOD 755 only lets the OWNER of a file write and I am hesitant to change anything to 777 - so I haven't tried this option yet on the original "tmp" folder.


I also searchen on Joomla Boards but all info pointed towards the Webserver itself and it says there that this often happens after a server move or restore from backup.


Would any of the admins be so nice as to verify for me if the path to these directories is correct for my account? Maybe the home1 is wrong..




Thanks and best regards!



-->Issue resolved, sorry about that but I thought I'll share the solution to anyone that might have the same problem.



I was a bit blind and didn't see that in CPanel it gives me the path to my home directory as /home/bkoese and not home1.

So, after editing the configuration.php of my Joomla installation and changing the file path from home1 to home I can now install components and all the rest again.


So if anyone ever has the problem after a restore of the home folder from backup check what the file path in the configuration file is and compare it to the path to the home directory in your CPanel, this should solve the issue.


Best regards!!



Yeah, stevie has two locations that your account could be located /home and /home1. It's just a toss of the dice where you end up I guess. Those paths are important because /home1/bkoese no longer exists and when joomla tries to write to a path that doesn't exist of course it's going to have some issues.


Glad you figured it out on your own. :lol:

It's just a toss of the dice where you end up I guess.


Actually, all new accounts are created on /home1. Originally, they were all created on /home, but then that partition filled up.

Actually, all new accounts are created on /home1. Originally, they were all created on /home, but then that partition filled up.

Well, I don't know if it's automatically chosen but I've seen several new accounts created on /home lately. I used to think that only the oldest accounts were on /home and all the newer accounts were on /home1. It seems /home has more free space at the moment anyways.

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda7            277739232  91423028 177714604  34% /home
/dev/sdb3            441093660 252370348 175279560  60% /home1

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