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[SOLVED] How can I upgrade to Joomla1.7 without softaculous

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My January trick of forcing Joomla installation onto the root has come back to haunt me. When I installed that first Joomla, I put it on the /joomla16 folder. I later had to copy it to the root to enable the URL of my site be accessible without adding /joomla16. By that time, I had not developed any site pages or modules, so the risk was low and there was nothing to loose.


Now I have developed a site with articles, modules and databases. My current problem is that softaculous still remembers that joomla was installed in /joomla16. It has forced the upgrade of joomla 1.7 to be installed on the /joomla16 folder. However, since January, all my Joomla site and structure is being done at the root. (I have not yet logged onto the /joomla16 to finalize the upgrade, since this is not what I expected. Nonetheless, my site is still working well based on joomla 1.6 on the root).


Can I get help on either upgrading Joomla1.6 to Joomla1.7 without softaculous or forcing softaculous to install the upgrade on the root. I can not see an option of changing the default installation location when doing an upgrade with softaculous.


Your valuable help is always appreciated.


I would not use softalacous at all, but instead use the jUpgrade component.

is a great tutorial on upgrading to 1.6, just substitute the instructions for upgrading to 1.7. The procedure is the same, since the jUpgrade component now upgrades your site to 1.7.

Thank you for the guide. I followed the tutorial and managed to install Akeeba and backed up the site. However, jUpgrade component could not install. I kept getting an error message. After three tries and two re-downloads I gave up on jUpgrade. That is when I read somewhere that upgrading 1.6 to 1.7 has been made easy by just a click. This is the process:

- on the backend, click on Extension Manager - Update - then purge cache

- then click on Find updates, upon which an entry of the new 1.7 should show

- just click the checkbox and update

My first update attempt gave me an error that some two directories could not update

A retried the process of of Update a second time and it worked.


I now see that the backend Joomla version is 1.7.1


Am able to logon to CPanel without a problem and it seems my database is still intact (though I have not yet checked phpMyAdmin). However, the site pages seem to work.

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