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All Accounts Queued on Stevie


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For the last several hours all accounts located on the stevie server have been showing up as queued. I just started the script to fix this and it should all be back to normal soon. Thanks for your patience during this process.


[uPDATE]: The script to fix the queued accounts has successfully completed and fixed the problem. If you still see your site as queued please don't forget to clear your browser cache.

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After clearing cache my site is still queued: http://vivitorino.cu.cc

I hope that they find soon a solution to fix that...

I hope you find a solution for clearing your cache even more thoroughly then, because it loads fine for me. It could be ISP caching or something out of your control. Give it a few hours and it should start loading. You could verify what I am saying by viewing your site through a proxy.

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After clearing cache my site is still queued: http://vivitorino.cu.cc

I hope that they find soon a solution to fix that...

Good work guys!




Hi Francesco,

I tried your webpage http://vivitorino.cu.cc and it shows perfectly fine for me. It does indeed look as though the page might be cached somewhere for you.


I had the problem yesterday as well with my page showeding as queued, and today I cleared my internet cache (e.g Internet Explorer > Internet options > Delete all Temporary Files) but this still did not help. A good idea then is to flush the DNS on your computer


If you are on a windows Computer you can try to flush the DNS cache by Clicking on Start > Run > open CMD > and type

ipconfig /flushdns

and then hit enter.


Should you have Linux instead of a Windows PC then there is a deamon to be restarted, don't know it by heart though, just search on the net for Flush DNS Linux and you'll find it!


This had solved my problem on both my PC's.

Please bear in mind that just as other users have mentioned, the Internet Service Provider can cache your Main Page as well and then you will still see the Queued page when entering http://vivitorino.cu.cc even when you have flushed your DNS.

However when you enter http://vivitorino.cu.cc/index.php or html or whatever your index page is called it should be visible, at least this was the case on my page, after about 24 hours or so the main page should have refreshed itself.


Hope things will be sorted out with your page, good luck!

Best regards


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