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[SOLVED] MySQL problem


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I'm using DreamWeaver to create my site in your server, it was fine till I tried to connect to database with dreamWeaver, he gives a error saying that "HTTP Error Code 404 File Not Find.... 2) The testing server specified for this site does not map to the http://petquimica.heliohost.org/_mmServerS...ts/MMHTTPDB.php URL. Verify that the URL Prefix maps to the root of the site"


Someone can help me? Or know what I'm doing wrong?




Username: petqui

Database: petqui_geral

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You're uploading your _mmServerScripts to the wrong directory. You have it in your root directory, but it needs to be within public_html in order for it to show up as petquimica.heliohost.org/_mmServerScripts/


Thx man! You help a lot! Sometimes I commit a noob mistake... :)

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