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[SOLVED] help me about this please... thanks


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i got an error about mysql_num_rows()...


i dont know if its because of my connection or my codes...


this is my code connecting to database... connect.php

i am connecting to my database on my heliohost localhost



$host = "localhost";

$user = "impauls_admin"; // created user with all privileges

$userpassword = "123654789";

$database = "impauls_ordersystem_db";

$connect = mysql_connect($host, $user ,$userpassword);



die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());


mysql_select_db ($database, $connect);



here is the link on my webpage...



thanks in advance...

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here sir... error upon mysql_num_rows()


<script src="js/jquery-1.5.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script>

<script src="js/truncate.js"></script>


$(function() {

$(".news_content").truncate({max_length: 200});





autoOpen: false,

height: 370,

width: 300,

modal: true,

buttons: {

Close: function() {

$( this ).dialog( "close" );






function show_details(product_id)


var myData = "id=" + product_id + "&purpose=" + "product_details";


type: "POST",

url: "modules/sessionset.php",

data: myData,

cache: true,

success: function(){



error: function(){

alert('Failed to load.');








<tr valign="top">

<td colspan="5">



<th class="home_header">News Feed</th>



include ("connect.php");

$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM NEWS WHERE status = 'Active' ORDER BY 1 DESC";

$newsdetails = mysql_query($sqlQuery);

$new_ctr = mysql_num_rows($newsdetails);

if ($new_ctr >= 1)


while(($row = mysql_fetch_array($newsdetails)) || ($ctr == 5))


echo "<tr>";

echo "<td colspan='5'>" . $row['title'] . "</td>";

echo "</tr>";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td class='news_content' colspan='5'>" . $row['content'] . "</td>";

echo "</tr>";


echo "<tr>";

echo "<td><a href='news.php'>View All</a></td>";

echo "</tr>";




echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>No news update.</td>";

echo "</tr>";






<tr><td colspan="5" width="800"><hr /></td></tr>

<tr valign="top">




<th class="home_header">New Products</th>




include ("connect.php");

$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM PRODUCT WHERE date_added >= subdate(curdate(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND status = 'Available' ORDER BY date_added DESC LIMIT 10";

$newproduct = mysql_query($sqlQuery);

$new_ctr = mysql_num_rows($newproduct);

if ($new_ctr >= 1)


$ctr = 1;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($newproduct))


echo "<td align='center' class='cell'>";

echo "<a onclick='show_details(\"" . $row['product_id'] . "\")'><img height='70px' src='images/products/" . $row['product_code'] . ".jpg' alt='no image' /></a><br/>";

echo "<a onclick='show_details(\"" . $row['product_id'] . "\")'>" . $row['product_code'] . "<br />";

echo $row['model'] . "<br />";

echo $row['price'] . ".00 Php<br />";

echo "</td>";

if($ctr == 5)


echo "</tr><tr>";

$ctr = 1;







echo "</tr>";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td><a href='products.php'>View All Products</a></td>";

echo "</tr>";




echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>No new product. <a href='products.php'>View All</a></td>";

echo "</tr>";






<tr><td colspan="5" width="800"><hr /></td></tr>

<tr valign="top">




<th class="home_header">Updated Products</th>




$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM PRODUCT WHERE date_updated >= (subdate(curdate(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)) AND (date_updated != date_added) AND status = 'Available' ORDER BY date_updated DESC LIMIT 10";

$updated = mysql_query($sqlQuery);

$updated_ctr = mysql_num_rows($updated);

if ($updated_ctr >= 1)


$ctr = 1;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($updated))


echo "<td align='center' class='cell'>";

echo "<a onclick='show_details(\"" . $row['product_id'] . "\")'><img height='70px' src='images/products/" . $row['product_code'] . ".jpg' alt='no image' /></a><br/>";

echo "<a onclick='show_details(\"" . $row['product_id'] . "\")'>" . $row['product_code'] . "<br />";

echo $row['model'] . "<br />";

echo $row['price'] . ".00 Php<br />";

echo "</td>";

if($ctr == 5)


echo "</tr><tr>";

$ctr = 1;







echo "</tr>";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td><a href='products.php'>View All</a></td>";

echo "</tr>";




echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>No updated product. <a href='products.php'>View All</a></td>";

echo "</tr>";








<div id="product_details" title="Product Details">




by the way sir... everything is working, i tested it in my WAMP Server...

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by the way sir... everything is working, i tested it in my WAMP Server...

So your problem solved, right?



not yet sir... i need to host the site online...

i need to fixed the errors on the webhost site... paypal api is not working with localhost / WAMP Server


problem solved... i know whats the problem now...

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