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About Sentinel

  • Birthday 04/02/1988

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  • Location
    Nowhere special
  • Interests
    Coding<br />Opensource(Most)<br />File Sharing<br />Music.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes it is, i manually went to my Cpanel today. Strange about the emailing error though perhaps? I didn't see your first post
  2. Hi. It appears as if i haven't logged into my CPanel for the alotted amount of time. Therefore rightfully so, my account has been suspended. When I click the link to reactivate it I get: I've only just recieved the email today, so the time limit of 1 week can't be up. Username: ircedia Domain: ircedia.co.cc Thank you.
  3. Aye it works. Checked just before trying though.. Sat 17th Jul, 06:32 pm | Server Load: 7.84 Interesting. Much appreaciated djbob and Wizard
  4. Hi, sorry for bugging ya Yes it's another one of those resources issues with fantastico. I've waited for the server load to drop off under four, by using THIS. BTW useful site, props to the owner. 'cept I keep getting timed out for the 'What Server?' function on a few websites. Nothing wrong with the sites... ANYWAYS, I'm rambling. Any suggestions? Thanks for your time. Acount name: ircedia Website: ircedia.co.cc
  5. youdangmomo, I'm guessing you're wondering why your homepage isn't showing? You need a index.html page, which I don't see on the list? You could always atempt to speak in your native tounge to express your concerns more, or use google translator.
  6. :| /me slaps the bot with a trout.
  7. Annoying thing, bugger off bot.
  8. Oh, and it's the spam bot again.
  9. Mod, spam bot.
  10. Then, if it's just an error relating to the DDoS, there's not much anyone can do, in my opinion. Unless the root admin buys a super expensive firewall, and wastes $1000+ p/month. That's won't offer a guarentee. Just wait it out until the attack has finished. djbob person.. nosey question; on average how long do the attacks last? Do the IP's have a similar stringed IP? Throughout all the recent attacks? Tell me to shut up, if I'm being too nosey.
  11. Oh i see... Hrm, well perhaps the server lost your stuff? I dunno, I'm not sure this is the place to chase this up. But here's a tip, back up regulary or whenever you make big changes.
  12. No this means it'll take about 24 hours to get your account deamonized(created) So you don't have an account right now, it's in the process of being created, see one of the other threads. Lol more DDoSing? stupid skiddies.
  13. Hi I'm Sentinel My major knowledge is in IRC servers and networking, I dabble in a few languages, hope I can help someone. Thanks heliohost'ers.
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