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Everything posted by philip888

  1. please help to reactive the account, thanks.
  2. I have a account before but seems tommy server down then can't login thereafter. I have received a invitation link recently, using my old email and password to register but ask for backup / signup (something else) Any ideas? and Thanks a lot !
  3. donation has been made via paypal, hope can help
  4. something wrong setting in Aptana Studio 3 login via FTP, please unblock. thanks
  5. Hi, I would like to sync my folder content between my computer and the hosting via lftp (i belive rsync doesn't work on hosting) ok to login but got the following error when I would change the directory like cd, ls or other commands: lftp ftpuser3@philiptest.usa.cc@ftp.philip1.heliohost.org:~> mirror -Rmirror: Fatal error: Certificate verification: certificate common name doesn't match requested host name ‘ftp.philip1.heliohost.org’ ---------------then I make some changes in my lftp.conf in /etc directory in my computer by adding the following command in the config file: set ssl:check-hostname no then it seems can login but another error comes out lftp ftpuser3@philiptest.usa.cc@ftp.philip1.heliohost.org:~> lsls: ls: Login failed: 530 Login authentication failed any ideas?--------------------------------- UPDATED: problem solved by adding the following 2 lines into the lftp.conf file: set ssl:verify-certificate noset ftp:ssl-allow off Sorry about that. Thanks.
  6. Just curious, If you have (or planning) paid services? somebody may wanna to have a little bit (just a little bit maybe ok) stable server .... Best regards,
  7. I have wait for few moments to login but still not working .....
  8. Yes, I know I can remote access the mysql.... (like it very much, nice !) I have one mysql at home and would like once updated , the transaction will go to my another mysql database in helionet something like : -------------create table t1 ( a int, b varchar(32))ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='mysql://user@hostname/test/t1'----------------------
  9. Hello, I need to use federated engine to update from my mysql to helionet database and it shows federated engine was turned off... Kindly advise if I can enable this. Thanks a lot !
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