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  1. Yesterday I was number 1 on https://www.heliohost.org/eta and today 408!! Is it a joke ? That's not serious at all! If we are obliged to give money for the migration to Plesk to take place, say so frankly! I am really disappointed...
  2. Hello, For several days now, the stevie server is not stable. For people who have (or work on) a production website, this situation becomes very embarrassing. Do you think there's a chance that 'Stevie' will work normally again? What do you advise us? I know you are doing your best and that this service is free but I need to know what to do to have a website that works every day. I have read that by making a donation, it is possible to migrate to the Tommy server. Is this the best solution if I want my website to run again quickly? If this is the case then I prefer to make a donation and benefit from a server that works and is stable. Thank you for telling me what to do... Best regards
  3. Same problem for me. Thank you for your help.
  4. Thank you for your answer, I am reassured now. Finally, Stevie was a good choice so I keep it Have a good day...
  5. Hello, I have developed a website using an account on Stevie host. Everything works well. This website is my production site. My question : Is Stevie a good choice for a production site ? Or do you think I should change host server ? The Tools I use are mainly Php and MySQL. Thank you for your answer. Regards
  6. Hello, Everything is ok now. I have restored my mysql database this morning and my site works perfectly Thank you for your help...
  7. Hello, I can't access my web site this morning, url = rbtrading.heliohost.org Yesterday everything was ok. So I restored /Home (unix) and my mysql database but nothing happens, impossible to reach the server and no error message. But I can access to CPanel with no problem. I don't know what to do. Can you help me please ? Thank you. Username : rbsite Domain name : rbtrading.heliohost.org Edit: I am not sure but maybe 'innodb' is in read only mode, so that could explain my problem. Could you see if it is the problem ? Thanky you very much...
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