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Everything posted by Ahmard

  1. Hi guys, please i want you to retrieve my suspended account "ahmerd"
  2. Iam new in php and hosting feature, i have to test and practice php and other codes. and im working with ftp server
  4. i usually use wftp.4rumpath.ga or ftps.4rumpath.ga. when it was blocked then i decided to look for another ftp service from different server. but i only use them for atleast 15 hours before they were blocked too. which means that since i want use the ftp, so after every 15hrs i most search for another ftp client to use.
  5. Ok, but i can't connect to my site ftp. please help out. give solutions Ok, but i can't connect to my site ftp. please help out. give solutions ok. but please help me out. i can't connect to my site ftp
  6. Im sorry, i can't take the screenshot but here is the url to download uc browser savedpage http://ahmard.heliohost.org/helio_error.zip. open the file with ucweb
  7. i got the error telling me that "Unable to establish a PHP session. If you believe that this is in error or inadvertent, contact your system administrator and ask them to review your server settings."
  8. Hello helio's, i found these error when im trying to update "database user" . where im i going to send you the file ?. but the file is in uhtml format(uc saved page).
  9. here are the top three ip that i have used their ftp service. , , and
  10. ok delete it. the username is "Ahmerd" it was created to test wether the the prob is from my acc. And i find out it was from the server. Please solve the problems.
  11. Please help me out. i use atleast 3 different ftp service and they are working for atleast 15 hours, after then it will not work again. which means i must search for another ftp service from different server with the one i use before
  12. yes its working bro. i have another account in stevie server again and the problem is thesame. i think the prob is with our server.
  13. My username was : ahmard .after login, The ftp does not open, it shows "server timed out". Iam on stevie server. now it show "Error!: Session time out." please help
  14. please I need help, I can't login to my hosting ftp panel
  15. Please i need help. Why is it that i can't import my database. When i was trying to import. I got error telling me that "You probably tried to upload a file that is too large. Please refer to documentation for a workaround for this limit." and my database size was 990 KB.
  16. Thank you so much
  17. This is the screenshots
  18. My daily signup limit has been exceeded. But i will share it when later
  19. I have tried it using "arewa" as my username. But there is an error upto now .PLEASE HELP ME
  20. please help me out. I have tried it using small letters. But the error is still showing
  21. Forumzpath
  22. Hello the best free hosting staffs. I just got news from my friend (mhari). Telling me about who and what is heliohost. Please im facing problem while creating my account at heliohost. The problem was "We're sorry, but that is an invalid username. Valid usernames can contain only numbers, and lowercase characters". please help me out. Thank you and wish you the best & success.
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