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Everything posted by Mhari

  1. Yes sir, i did. But always error every time i try.. (i tried 3 or 4 times) I am using uc browser
  2. I have an account... Here it is Username: mhr2 Site: gtup.heliohost.org I just want to validate and get extra storage for my site plz
  3. Hello I having a problem on validation email. I cant validate it because an error occured.. Any solution please?
  4. Mhari

    Account Capacity

    Ok no problem, It was clear now.. Thank you .,
  5. Dear admin.. I know that each account has 500mb capacity.. And i thanks for it.. But, its still so small (sorry) when will be used to save large data and its make me afraid if it sometime reached the limit and couldn't saving anymore. This topic i created just to ask this thing. Is there a way to get more space in helio? Is there an exception about this? Thanks,,
  6. Please, help me add an addon domains.. I cannot add it.. Its always shows error password length.. Help me please . .
  7. Hi, but please can you tell me how to redirect users to the file which its extension was hidden? Example, if user visit http://my.site/test.php, they will be redirected to http://my.site/test ? The one thing i am afraid about that maybe search engines will indexing both url then marking my site as spam or whatever. Please help,, thank you..
  8. I am sorry i can't replying sooner. Ok this problem was solved. Simply just adding multyviews thank you so much guys! Its working perfectly!
  9. I have tried many codes in .htaccess file that will make file extension hidden. But all of that is not working as expected. When i have saved the code, and i am trying to access it and the result either error 500 or redirecting to index page again. Please anyone help me i will thankful for this . .
  10. Ok the problem solved now. By adding this line in db.php file else return null; i thought that if the db connection was connected perfectly, it won't outputting anything, so i not putting "else". And yeah, Thank you for guiding me
  11. I think logout file need files like db.php and classes.php which will make me can check the condition in: if(user::logged()) { //destroy header('location: /'); } else { header('location: /'); } because user::logged() need classes.php file and classes.php file need db.php file. Is i am did mistakes in creating db.php file? Here is it: <?php // make a connection to database define('host', 'localhost'); define('user', 'dbuser'); define('pass', 'password'); define('db', 'dbname'); $db = new mysqli(host, user, pass, db); if($db->connect_error){ die('Failed to connect: '. $db->connect_errno .'-'. $db->connect_error); } ?> this is the code in line 10 - 13: if($db->connect_error){ die('Failed to connect: '. $db->connect_errno .'-'. $db->connect_error); } ?> am i did some output here?
  12. Hi, i am so confuse about logout system. Every time i try, and every time too it produce an failure. I have db connection file, classes file, and function file which i have included it in a file called config.php. And then i include config.php in logout file but i shows error like: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/mhr2/public_html/system/db.php:13) in /home1/mhr2/public_html/logout.php on line 12 the code is <?php require_once "config.php"; if(user::logged()) { setcookie('uid', '', (time()-3600), '/'); setcookie('pass', '', (time()-3600), '/'); $_SESSION['uid'] = false; $_SESSION['pass'] = false; session_destroy(); header('location: /'); } else { header('location: /'); } ?> and then i have tried to make a changes, but it shows error like: Warning: session_destroy() [ function.session-destroy]: Trying to destroy uninitialized session in /home1/mhr2/public_html/logout.php on line 6 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/mhr2/public_html/logout.php:6) in /home1/mhr2/public_html/logout.php on line 7 and the code is: <?php setcookie('uid', '', (time()-3600), '/'); setcookie('pass', '', (time()-3600), '/'); $_SESSION['uid'] = false; $_SESSION['pass'] = false; session_destroy(); header('location: /'); ?> please help me. I dont know where the mistakes is
  13. Do you mean I have to create a variable for query like $v = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`nick` = '". $uname ."' OR `email` = '". $uname ."') AND `pass` = '". $pass ."'"); and then use it like if($v->num_rows == 1) //something am i right?
  14. Am I did mistakes in this line? $db->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`nick` = '". $uname ."' OR `email` = '". $uname ."') AND `pass` = '". $pass ."'")->num_rows even though the inputs was correct, error will displayed and said that the username doesn't exist i have tried it with registered username.. What was my mistakes?
  15. Ok i will apply your advices and thank you so much
  16. No. I mean symbols is only - and _ that allowed. And support numeric, letters (uppercase lowercase) also. I am it for validating nick name. Here is the line if (!empty($nick) && preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9\ _\-] )*$/", $nick)) but i thing it is correct, but still not work. What is wrong?
  17. Ok.. I have knew what the cause of. The cause is that after i am extracting my file, it's changed to other expression. I dont know why. Now the issue is that i want to restrict users to inputing characters such as [(#...etc. But i always failed.. can you help me please, to restrict the users to do it and just _ and - that allowed?
  18. Hi, what about this sir? Warning: preg_match() [ function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: range out of order in character class at offset 13 in /home1/mhr2/public_html/system/signup.php on line 26 i just want to validating input form. Help me please
  19. Ok i will check Ok i will check it. Thanks
  20. Hi, why i cannot use header fuction? It's always show an error? Am i did wrong? This is the error, Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/mhr2/public_html/system/fnc.php:52) in /home1/mhr2/public_html/profile.php on line 3 please help me
  21. Ok thank you.. But also, i dont know if i have so many files in .trash folder i will start deleting it
  22. Hello, i was wondering about "Disk Space Usage" in the cPanel that i think it doesn't showing space used correctly. I think, I have not used it that much? It's showed "101.25 MB/500 MB" does it true?
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