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Everything posted by tuwawah

  1. I like Firefox more. I am kind of torn between Firefox and Slim Browser as my top browser....but for this it's definately firefox!
  2. How long can we go without a reply to this post? 1 day? 1 week? 1 year? Come on guys, it's all up to you!
  3. www.boreme.com is pretty good for funny videos
  4. http://www.boreme.com/boreme/funny-2006/la...ck-p1.php?emf=1 This is what I feel like doing!!
  5. http://www.donlafontaine.com/video/5men.html 5 of the USA's top Voice Over guys all get together in one limo. Very funny!
  6. I agree that you need good gameplay first...but hey if it looks good too, then all the better! But you have to admit, that if you see screenshots/movies of games coming out on the Xbox 360 or PS3...it has to make your mouth drool a little!
  7. it's funny though that Sony's main arguement against the price is because they are including a Blu-ray player in the PS3....so it can reach "True HD" at 1080p and play blu-ray movies....woop dee doo!! I mean it is a great deal at $500 or even $600 to buy a PS3 with blu-ray player, considering the blu-ray players coming out soon will retail for WELL over that price, more like $900-$1200. So they have something right there...but shoot make it an option for people!! I'd much rather buy a cheaper system, be able to buy more games (and not lose anything besides "True HD" movies) rather than have to spend $200 plus more than the closest competitors price. Shoot buy a Xbox 360 AND a Nintendo Wii for almost the same price as the PS3. Crazy!
  8. Yeah good post /\/\/\/. It's a SWEET game.....for about 45 min, and then it's the same stuff over and over. I rented it for a week, and I actually didn't play it the last 2 days just because it got a bit repetitive. Too bad too, because it was fun. Hopefully they'll release an 'updated' version of it with a bit more depth for the 360. That would be nice!
  9. WOW...go Chronix! That is a great list! What about Def Leopard, Scorpions, Lynard Skynard, Styx, White Snake, Warrant, Yes, REO Speedwagon Oh yeah...gotta love the 80s baby! But yeah the new stuff is pretty sweet too, Linkin Park, Metallica (not that they're THAT new), Evanescense, Simple Plan, P.O.D., Breaking Benjamin, Foo Fighters, NickelBack, Postal Service, Snow Patrol, Stereophonics, The Killers, Hawthorne Heights, My Chemical Romance, etc... Now most of them are pretty Rock oriented, but I just tossed a few others in because they're good
  10. Absolutely GREAT film! IMO this TOTALLY kicked Xmen 3's A$$! The storyline was good, the actors were great, and the overall movie was FANTASTIC! Just a good, wholesome, entertaining film! It's a shame it didn't do well here in the U.S. but somehow people liked Xmen 3 more!?!? IDIOTS!
  11. Yeah this movie comes out summer 07. Sucks but it definately looks good! I love that part in the trailer at the end where he's hanging upside down and then he's looking at his reflection! Very cool....VENOM!!!
  12. I was SOOOOO scared initially about seeing this movie (because Tom Cruise was in it, and he's just a large [bleeped!]), but when I saw the 1st trailer for it, I knew I'd like it, as soon as I made peace with Tom for being in this movie. It was a GREAT movie! I would give it a 8.5 (out of 10) and that's a -1 just for Tom being in it, so really it was a 9.5.....ok maybe not, but still a great, high paced, intense, action-fest with good actors all around (except for Tom) Go see it if you haven't!
  13. Wow...I would have given this movie (out of 10) an 8. I thought it was a bit more of a thinking movie, and the action was great! Natalie Portman was very good and Hugo Weaving was great. It's not a PERFECT movie, but it's a good time. I'll probably get it on DVD.
  14. You can go to tons of sites to check that out, ie... www.walmart.com www.ebgames.com www.bestbuy.com www.circuitcity.com etc...of course this all depends on where you live
  15. Does anyone have a smartphone? I've had a Windows smartphone of some kind for the past 2 years, and I just can't go back to a regular cell. First I had the Orange SPV (HTC Canary), then I upgraded to the Motorola MPx220, and now I have the T-Mobile SDA (USA) and they've just been awesome devices. What type do you have and what do you like about them?
  16. SlimBrowser is better than FF....in a few ways. Look it up and you'll like it! Maybe
  17. Has anyone tried SlimBrowser? It has the tabbed style and such, but it also allows you to use your msn.com or hotmail.com without a problem, where I have trouble accessing my msn.com or hotmail.com and being able to use everything properly. Pretty good, but not as big of a following as either Opera or FF
  18. 1525 .....whoa the excitement is killing me!
  19. Hookers love squid!
  20. I will YAY I WON! Thanks Odetron for making me psychic!
  21. Yeah agreed, google.com is the best. 2nd is Altavista.com 3rd Yahoo.com
  22. Yeah putfile.com is pretty good! Also try http://www.zippyvideos.com/ They're good too!
  23. Yeah I like the new Dual Core pc's too! So true though that by the time I wait for them to drop in price, they'll be old news. Microsoft REALLY better make Vista a GREAT OS, otherwise I think Apple might continue to gain more market share.
  24. I don't think adding a wireless router would increase your speed. If anything it would probably slow it down, as it would depend upon your 'connection' strength with your pc. I wish it did speed it up though!
  25. Go little baby boxing!
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