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Everything posted by tuwawah

  1. That's pretty good!
  2. Nice! I like the Men vs Women speed limits!
  3. Personally the Xbox 360 is going to be the machine to get as compared to Wii or PS3 because the Wii just has a gimmic for a controller, and Gamecube graphics, and the PS3 is WAY more expensive, and for the same graphics. Yeah it might have blu-ray, but big deal. How many people will be able to use the "true HD" at 1080p, compared to the 1080i (which has been around longer and is more widely available). Plus the Xbox 360 has Gears of War, Halo 3, Too Human, Saints Row, Dead Rising, etc...and Xbox Live Arcade!
  4. I have to say, my favorite game for the 360 thus far would have to be Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter! SUCH a good game. Close 2nd would be Call of Duty 2. What are yours?
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