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Computer Nerd Kev

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Everything posted by Computer Nerd Kev

  1. I've been waiting for the HTTP access logs to be enabled on Stevie since this news post indicated that it would occour after a trial on Johnny. As the lack of log access has been my no. 1 issue with Heliohost, it's been a bit disappointing to see no mention of this upgrade since 2015. So I figured I'd make a bit of noise and perhaps at least find out if it's still going to happen, or whether I can finally stop checking http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/raw/index.html
  2. OK thanks. I'd be manually checking uploads before making them public. The size limit shouldn't be much of a problem for what I've got in mind, I'm not planning on mirroring my favourite mainstream Linux distro.
  3. I'm waiting to get an account with HelioHost and was wondering how the business actually affords the leasing of the data center facilities. Are the ads on the Heliohost pages enough to pay the bills or is there some other income source? Or it it all just run on the donated money of some kind Internet-loving sole? I fully understand that the mods might not want to describe HelioHost's basic business model, but I think it's a fair question from someone who will be using the service and I'm surprised I couldn't find the anwser to it already on the website.
  4. I just joined the forum and am waiting for the next Heliohost account signup period, so I thought I'd ask something I've been wondering about the service. I know public FTP sites are pretty old hat these days, but there doesn't appear to be anything stated in the Wiki or Terms of Service about whether they are allowed. Perhaps the anwser would be obvious once I got my site registered, but even if it is I'd still be interested to know why. As it is I'd be interested in running a small public FTP site, but I'll still be signing up if it isn't possible.
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