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Everything posted by Max12

  1. well its working on my side without any problem
  2. I myself use .tk domain but I don't have this problem.. did you change anything in Advanced DNS Zone Editor in Cpanel? there should be 9 records as default and I tried your domain with or with www. its working and do you have any file with the name of .htacess?
  3. I tried http://www.leobuares.tk/exp and it worked sometimes it could also be a script, when you choose a url at the time of installation of script
  4. Yeah I tried importing database without any structure and it imported without any problems and no this error does not occur in an empty table
  5. can this be increased? http://oi60.tinypic.com/11rg3f8.jpg I got that message when I executed only one command like: ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_notify` ENGINE=InnoDB;
  6. By default my website Installs database to MyISAM, but I want my website to use InnoDB. I followed HelioHost post to convert your database engine, but unfortunately Its not working for me.While changing the MyISAM text in database to InnoDB I tried to import it, I get timeout or database too big error, I have tried both the methods to upload my database PHPmyadmin and Cpanel, but eventually even after that It doesn't work. I have also tried importing via Cpanel but still it doesnt and corrupts my website. Maybe someone could tell me how I could change from MyISAM to InnoDB. I am in Johhny server, Thanks.
  7. Is there a limit for the number of people visiting my website. Can I have unlimited visitors in a day or there is a limit for that? Thanks
  8. Host - stevie ftp host -foreignofficers.tk ftp username - fohost Hi, I have been trying to access my FTP to upload my content from few days but it seems its not really working I tried password too. I get this at the log Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NODATA - No address associated with nodename". Error: Could not connect to server I tried connecting the website's FTP from my work computer and it worked , but from my home computer it does not work
  9. Hi I cant accesss my website , from few days I am getting it, my domain is foreignofficers.tk This webpage is not available thanks.
  10. I am getting SQL Error,while today I was trying to visit my website.
  11. alright, Today I tried to sign up in Stevie Server and I chose my .tk domain.. and I have deleted all my domains in my .tk cpanel and when today when I signed up after sometime I got a message , ========================================================================================== Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is: Sorry, a DNS entry for tk already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the DNS cluster). Please visit http://www.heliohost...ipts/signup.php and try to signup again. Regards, HelioHost Staff =========================================================================================== what does it means DNS Cluster? I deleted my all websites from .tk control panel, now there is nothing but still I got this error? do you know what this means? thanks
  12. Max12

    Database Error.

    if the server has downtime ,can we still acess our website?
  13. Max12

    Database Error.

    Server - Johhny
  14. Max12

    Database Error.

    I checked my username and password, its correct and btw I have created .tk domain. I have waited four days and I cant connect to it via FTP too
  15. Today I tried to install some stuff on webhoster, but it seems I have some problem with the Database I get a message when I try to enter my database details here is the screenshot
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