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  1. Thank you so much! 🥰
  2. Hello! Why I click my domain link www.tackbyjana.com, my home page doesn't load. Only the Plesk Default Page for some reason. Everything looks good on my end. Could you please check, what's wrong? Thank you! JS Account username jana7
  3. Thank you so much!
  4. Hello! My account has been successfully transferred to Plesk in May and worked fine since then. But few weeks ago, my website stopped working for some reason. Here's the message I get when I go to my main domain www.tackbyjana.com "Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel." It's been like that for maybe 2 months already. Could you please tell me why and what do I need to do to make my websites work again? Thank you! Kind regards, Jana My username: jana7 server: Tommy
  5. Thank you so much!
  6. Please unblock jana7. Thank you!
  7. Hello! I'm moving my account from Tommy to Rickie. My previous account ID was janisek7 and the new one for Rickie is jana7. Could you please remove the DNS entry for my domain tackbyjana.com from all servers in the DNS cluster for me, so I could make it my primary domain for the new Rickie account? Also, could you please tell me the nameservers for Rickie? Thank you so much! Jana Paypal transaction ID 12V75405NC752642E
  8. Hello! I can't login to my account. Both the email address and password are correct. Account hasn't been suspended due inactivity (I logged in 2-3 days ago without problems). Cache cleared. Still getting the following message: There is no account in our database that matches that email address. Has the server run out of space again?
  9. Wonderful! Thank you guys! You're the best!
  10. tried again. no change.
  11. I've done that. But it didn't help.
  12. Hello! My Heliohost username: janisek7 Server: Tommy main domain: tackbyjana.com Looks like my account has been archived for inactivity. Could you please unarchive it for me? Thank you!! Jana
  13. It worked! THANK YOU so much!
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