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Everything posted by sagnik

  1. I'm getting a mysql error #1064 when running my script. Here is my code related to the problem: Please help me to correct my code.
  2. I'm getting a problem when accessing cPanel. When I'm login to cPanel I'm seeing these message: why does these error happens? I can understand that the server load is too high on Johnny, for these reason cPanel frequently goes down and also the website and ftp. But now I'm getting these problem. I can't understand why does these error happens! Anyway, please fix the problem.
  3. sagnik

    Recent Downtime

    I'm also getting the same problem from today 8:28am. Please fix the problem.
  4. But, I don't have 75 lines in my code and my other aspx files also giving the same error. Here is another aspx file: http://www.sagnikganguly.ga/members/register/step1.aspx
  5. I'm getting a ASP.NET HTTP 500 Error when running my .aspx file. I've set file permition to 0755 and created a web.config file to turn off customErrors but nothing happened. Here is my .aspx file: http://www.sagnikganguly.ga/members/register/index.aspx please check my file and tell me what is wrong with my aspx file.
  6. Yes, one time my account had suspended. If I request for java now, then how many long I have to wait to become Java active on my account? I'm asking this question because, previously I've got Java within 1 month of requesting...
  7. a. HelioHost Username: sgcl b. Server: Johnny c. Main Domain: sagnikganguly.ga
  8. Sir, here is the url of my jsp file: http://www.sgjava.tk/test_coding/jsp/first.jsp please check the file, and tell me what is wrong! I've requested java for these domain and I've got a response which I posted on my first post in these topic and these account was handled by me.
  9. Other 3 account are for my friends. Does I've Java enabled or not? My username is: sgjava Domain: sgjava.tk Server: Johnny
  10. I've requested for java about on July 01, 2014. Next day I got a reply with that, "You have to wait 6 months or something". And After 1 month I've got a new reply that is "You should have java within 24 hours. If you have any further problems, please post in the Customer Service forum.", what does it means?
  11. Thank you Sir, as you suggested I've done this and the problem was fixed. Thank you Sir, as you suggested I've done this and the problem was fixed.
  12. You have to create a backup of your domain from the cPanel.
  13. Hello, I'm Sagnik! I've recently created a CSS StyleSheet. It works, but not on my HelioHost Website. Here is the Details: Domain: sgservices.tk Server: stevie StyleSheet File: www.sgservices.tk/global/styles/default.css Why does these happend?
  14. Thank you sir, I'll tell him tomorrow what you ordered to do...
  15. Sir my friend told me that he haven't created a helionet account. Can he create an account?
  16. Ok Sir, he was confirmed his account but what to post and where?
  17. Sir, my first account with username: "sgcl" was I've created for me, and the 2nd account with username: "sgjava" was for my friend which was created by me. Please understand.
  18. No, I don't want to delete any account. The domains and other details of my account are different from each other.
  19. Ok I'll wait... And Thank you... And one more thing, I've created a test.aspx file on my another account with domain: sgjava.tk in Johnny. When I'm opening the file I'm getting an error by ASP.NET. Can you help me???
  20. I've a asp.net page. When I'm trying open the page I'm getting the following error when opening the asp.net file in browser: How I can fix the problem?
  21. Is I can find the Web Programming Board on Helionet? If yes, then also I've posted a topic at "Website Management and Coding" listed at the main forum board of HelioNet about 14 days ago on the same problem, I've explained here. But I've not get any replies from other user.
  22. Ok, but the domain is not working, it show an error "website temporary unavailable". I've created these account with domain "sagnikganguly.ga" on 12th September at 09:15am. But these domain is still not working.
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