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  1. Hello. Could you explain how someone could do that? Because there are certain new softwares (joomla, vanilla forums) that cannot be installed without innodb. How would I redirect the installation to db4free?
  2. I posted this in my own thread but I thought it would be useful here. Switching the database creation entries from "innodb" to "myisam" worked for me. I was able to install joomla after changing the installation joomla.sql file to say MyIsam instead of InnoDB. Hope this helps.
  3. EDIT I got it to install by going into the joomla installation folder - sql - mysql - joomla.sql and Replacing (CTRL+H) "InnoDB" to "MyIsam". Now I'll see if everything works fine or not.. hopefully it will. --- Okay, there was a problem. When trying to install K2 I got this error: An error has occurred. 1146 Table 'XXXX_XXXX.xxxx_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xxxx_k2_categories` How do I fix this?
  4. Thank you, I wasn't aware of this. Sorry for making a new thread about it. You can combine them then if you want. If it's possible to have a workaround for innodb, do you know where I could find this? I also have another issue, but I wasn't sure if I should make a new thread. I was testing a drupal installation, but deleted it after it didn't work. Now I cannot delete the drupal folder or some of the files it contains. I've tried everything, even filezilla, and the files/folders will not be removed. I can't tell if it's something I'm doing wrong/forgot to do or if it's the server itself.
  5. Hello. I cannot install joomla and I have been trying for two days. I was able to install SMF, but not a CMS. I entered all of the users/dbs/passwords correctly. Am I doing something wrong? When I use softlicious, I get "Could not make the Query numbered 6" " MySql Error: 2013 " "MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query" When I try to install manually, I get "Could not connect to Mysql" about 50 times, over and over. Thank you.
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