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  1. wow, I don't remember to set that much cronjob, last time I accessed cpanel, I'm just using smtp for test email, is smtp email using cronjob too? could you give me any detail or log, what kind of cron job that my web runing. sory for my bad english and Thanks
  2. Hi, Could you clarify why my account was suspended, here are the account information : HelioHost username : zuka Server : stevie Main Domain : zuka.tk Thanks
  3. Thanks
  4. yes please, reset my password, thanks
  5. Hi there, I've lost my cpanel password... my domain is zuka.tk and my username is zuka how can i reset or get my new password Thanks
  6. Hi, I've started to using heliohost.org for a couple month... and mysite is running normally, but everytime I accessing cpanel... my front site get internal server error. when I logout from cpanel my front site is back to normal. I'm just using simple htaccess for my site. is there any wrong configuration in mysite? please help. Thanks
  7. I've same problem... and I don't have any backup to restore from... I'm trying to restore with very old database backup, but the backup will not use InnoDB, it will use MyISAM... If you check in phpmyadmin, on engine tab, it's seem that InnoDB is not active and not listed if I trying to create new table with storage engine InnoDB... hope this issue will fix shortly...
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