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Everything posted by woldo

  1. the 360 it dose cost a bit but they are going down in $$$
  2. cool site
  3. I run a free symbian phone site I have games and appz and stuff for your phone I have had 2 or 3 symbian phones they are a good phone my site is http://woldo.net/
  4. K google is good
  5. php is good I am trying to work out how to ads same ad's on my site.
  6. I did a test a long time ago it was before I got 1.5mb I should have a look at what it is
  7. I have a amd 3.5+ 64 bit 1500 mb ram 200 gb hdd and 512mb video card wifi 7.1 sound
  8. I have seen them they look good
  9. You played the pc game of it good game
  10. I have got a cool site that has flash games on it at woldo.net I have put about 100 games or more I have 600 to put on there
  11. It do it to have same fun good way to do same thing for the day
  12. Thanks for it I will have a look at it
  13. so U what a copy of it I will find where I put a copy If u still what it
  14. quake 3 is a cool game I have played it good game
  15. steam is a good way to play game's I have same good games on my steam
  16. do u have a steam Thats what my copy of my game is in I just download it from steam good way of doing it
  17. I got this one s Grand Theft Auto GTA 2 GTA III GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas san andreas is the best one ther is 2 new one's the have came out now they look good I will get them next
  18. woldo


    redvsblue.com funny
  19. what about a lotto where you make a new user called lotto and you get ueser to send Helions to the lotto user and draw one's a week and the winer get's all the Helions that people put in
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