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Everything posted by yasutake9

  1. Hi! I am trying to run a simple Python script involving turtle drawing a few shapes. I was wondering just how I could get the code for this up and running. Thanks, yasutake9
  2. ( ಠ ಠ ) It didn't work! Here's the error: What could have happened? PS Your Calvin and Hobbes profile pic is awesome.
  3. Hello! I am trying to use the Codeanywhere system to connect to my site's files through FTP. It asks for 4 fields: Server name Hostname Username Password I've created an FTP account on my cPanel to deal with the last 2, but what should I fill in for the rest? Sincerely, yasutake9
  4. Hmm... nope. Could you please delete that account? I don't know what the password could possibly be.
  5. Hello. I've recently been trying to sign up for Johnny on HelioHost, but whenever I enter the data, including the captcha and forum username, and attempt to sign up, the following appears: "We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later." I would really like to know how to get around this, and even though I know I can sign up for Stevie, I'm not willing to get up at oh-dark-hundred just to try to sign up. Help! Thanks, Yasutake9
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