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Everything posted by eTronicGaming

  1. With GameMaker 6.1 I use gamemaker too, but I haven't finished a game in a long time. But I can help anyone who needs it
  2. djbob is more scary ;P oh wait he can read this. Okay I'll stop. We have had a gun threat but no bomb threats at our school.
  3. Make the left/right margins bigger to make this appear "smaller" , make some text/buttons smaller, make stuff smaller in general Geared toward the center of the site, change the blueish css in table rows that aren't occupied by images, and try to make it look like it's the IPB skin with different images
  4. That's... scary. Where is this?
  5. Surely you'll are not teenagers? :/ This is pretty lame for something to happen at school. Bringing star wars stuff to school.
  6. LOL LIKE 100 oMg!!!111 Seriously, even if you'l do keep a rule that the winner is the one that doesn't spam, there will be some that will. And all this does is boost the site's posting for like one day right? So what happens the next day, inactivity? We need something that will keep this place active.
  7. I just believe in good games general. Retro have some appeal, but that's why I didn't buy the ps or ps2... they seem retro to me :/ But I love the new 3d games... but zelda is some retro games I like
  8. The css is changed? Really? I can't tell... that or it's still plain. I don't know, I mean I'm thinking change the layout. Look at some finished skins, and you'll know what I mean..
  9. I noticed in the flash heliohost.org homepage, you said domains are 500 posts right? When I got mine they were 600. So please tell me I'm right about it being 500, because that takes a lot of stress of of me to reach this limit before the April 15 deadline of my domain. Thanks in advance! -Josh
  10. The only thing changed is the buttons/images... the skin/layout is the same.
  11. ah now you are not following rules ^ Forgot t3h rules < Is very 1337 V Is not coo'
  12. Whoah you are like only a week older than me. Dasocoo!
  13. Happy Birthday to me! I'm 15 now w00t!
  14. We'd need two lol. http://www.joystiq.com/2005/11/05/xbox-por...-in-between-or/
  15. Okay... welcome back Awesome Gamer
  16. I love the DS, and I just don't like sony at all... I don't know there's just something about them. Meh, I do like the psp's look and everything, I just don't have any care for their games. What I'd love to see is a Xbox Portable with Halo on it... now that would be awesome
  17. You have to download the software to "get" the file in the torrent. I recommend Azureus
  18. lol thanks GC268... I'm just trying to find a way to get my domain renewed by April 15... I have like... ~400 to go.
  19. ^ Is lying < Is truthing :/ V Is a liar that tells the truth.
  20. <body onLoad="java script:alert('You have been infected by the Amish computer virus. Since the Amish have no computers, this is based on the honor system. Please delete all your system files!');"> Try that.
  21. Yeah, but it's fun to make crappy useless petitions and have people unwillingly vote even though they don't have to but feel they do... mwhahahaha.
  22. there's also: http://www.emoticon-maker.net Make your own emoticons
  23. I hope you like this as much fun as I had making it. I present primeBB, a forum software that is a currently total rewrite of old eVolution FS. http://primebb.etronicgaming.com so test that out and tell me what you think. (BTW, it's still in design so some features don't work yet). Thanks everyone! -Josh
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