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Everything posted by zonedabone
So most of the site's revenue comes from us linking to other sites? Smart! They go to other hosting sites and see how superior heliohost is!
Hey. I went to the homepage and saw an account queued page, so I'd assume that we're not running at the moment. I can access my site, but I can't log into cpanel from heliohost.org, and the cpanel folder is somehow missing from my main directory. I need to log in soon or my account will become inactive. I will be going away for 1.5 weeks, so I need to do it now. Please get the site up soon, or at least stop my account from being suspended: Username: eap17 Site: eap17.heliohost.org UPDATE: I clicked the CPanel link on the account queued page, and it's unavailable.
Hi. I set up an addon domain on my account 2 days ago, and it still hasn't come up. Details: username: eap17 site: eap17.heliohost.org addon domain: gopacity.com If the path is messed up, I want it to point to home/eap17/gopacity.com. -Thanks!
Yeah, because you're paying SO much money for this. If you hate this, go buy paid hosting and pay hundreds a year. djbob is spending a ton of time/money on this, and if you don't like it, that's too bad.
Awesome! That's a much higher scale than I thought. Will current account be moved to te new server, or will it provide multiple ways to access each account? Or is it simply another server that will provide space for more accounts?
Ok. I came home today, and checked out my website, and just about all of the pages gave internal server errors. The only page that didn't was written in pure html. all pages with scripts died. Account: eap17 Website: eap17.heliohost.org Addon Domain: mnscioly.co.cc Oh. Sorry. Nevermind. I went to my pages after submitting, and they were up. I gues it was just one of those funny helio quirks. It came up annd then went back down again! Im glad there are people here to help, though. Sorry to add to the trouble, but I can't view the heliohost home, either! CPanel's down, too. Is this a DDoS attack? I was just about to work on the forums, too!
Just to get an idea, about how many people use heliohost, and how many servers do you use? Do the servers all restart at the same time?
I know this sounds mischievious, but would it be possible to make a standard python page, but write the hosting program in there? Would this be a bad idea? I wouldn't want to mess anything up.
Ok. I made a parked domain for my account, mnscioly.co.cc. I soon realized that I actually wanted to set up an addon domain, so I deleted the parked domain setup, and the redirect setup, and now I get this error when making a parked domain: Error from park wrapper: mnscioly.co.cc is already configured. I think it needs to be reset or something. Here's my account details: username: eap17 site: eap17.heliohost.org
Oh. I didn't know that the feature wasn't enabled. I hope it's not too much burden.
Hello. I was wondering if there's any way that I can host my website on certain ports using python's server features, such as the socket module, while still maintaining standard access on ports such as 21 and 80. Basically, I want to run a python hosting script using heliohost. Thanks.
Ok. Thanks. I'll try some of it. =) I just tried it! It all works great! One thing I forgot to do was set the permissions correctly. Silly me. Thank you so much for the help! I did the rewrite rule and everything. If you want to see my (splendid) piece of python testing, you can go to eap17.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/testprog.py or eap17.heliohost.org/myprog. Thanks so much, again! I'm learning python over the summer, and I want to incorperate it into everything I do.
Hey, everyone. This probably makes me look stupid, but I just don't get how to use python in pages. I get that you make the file in the cgi-bin folder, and add the shebang and header type, but then how do you make this run when you go to a certain page? For example, if you go to eap17.heliohost.org/myprog I want it to run the python script. how do I do that?
Heliohost can't do that? Ok. Tell you what. I can set up a local computer to do the maintenance work. I'll have it run the python scripts, and connect to the ftp server. Let me think. where can I find an old computer to access the network?
Hi. Is there some way to make a python script run constantly, even when people aren't logged into the website? I need it to maintain my ftp server, which gets traffic from a lot of people at once, and has to be cleaned up. (Temp files are kept there for my games. It allows communication.) Anyway, I just need to run some python scripts, so any help is appreciated! =)
It's a custon jython script. I made a little part of my ftp server with a username and password for everyone. Don't ask why. Anyway, here's the jython script, with the credentials omited: connected = false from ftplib import FTP def connect(host,username,password): global ftp global connected if connected == false: ftp = FTP(host,username,password) connected = true def upload(filename,name): global ftp global connected if connected == true: test = open(filename, 'r') ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + name, test) test.close() def download(filename,path): global ftp global connected if connected == true: dir = open(path, 'w') file = ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, dir.write) dir.close() def close(): global ftp global connected if connected == true: ftp.quit() connected = false def getwelcome(): global ftp global connected if connected == true: world.output = ftp.getwelcome() def rename(oldfile,newfile): global ftp global connected if connected == true: ftp.rename(oldfile,newfile) def delete(file): global ftp global connected if connected == true: ftp.delete(file) def setdir(dir): global ftp global connected if connected == true: ftp.cwd(dir) def makedir(dir): global ftp global connected if connected == true: mkd(dir) def deldir(dir): global ftp global connected if connected == true: ftp.rmd(dir) Right now, it just seeems to be running really slow. I need high speed. I'm only transmitting files of 5kb down, and they need to go FAST.
Iis it just me, or are the ftp servers misbehaving? I can't access my ftp server, and I have people accessing it all the time, so it's a bit of a problem. Username: eap17 ftp: ftp.eap17.heliohost.org
I'll make a new account tommorow when the signup resets. I have to go for now. Thanks! I've responded to your email.
Roger that: Username: zonebone web adress: zoneworlds.heliohost.org
Wait. would you just be able to give me a backup of a blank website? I can then restore that backup.
Hi. Is it possible to get my account reset to what it is when I first signed up? (e.g. default account) If I can't is it possible to just have my account deleted and sign up again?
I need to make a multiplayer server that the games I create can connect to. I'd prefer to use python. These servers don't have to transfer much. I'd like to start with something like a high scores server.
Sorry. I can't move it now. It's an app that runs on the computer.