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Everything posted by zonedabone

  1. Oh. Ok. I guess I'll have to pull out the old google and get to work.
  2. Maybe following those instructions will work. If that doesn't I'll get the google out.
  3. Didn't you install py2.7 somewhere else and then symlink to it? Try using the directory that it is actually installed in.
  4. I've been accessing all of the python distributions so far via usr/bin/pythonx.x. Try subsituting this in instead of usr/local/bin
  5. I've heard a few different things, but the mod wsgi install page says that it'd be best to reinstall and add a special parameter to ./configure when you're building and installing it. http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/Inst...Python_Versions http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/Quic...The_Source_Code I've also heard some say that mod wsgi actually is a symlink to a version built for a specific python version and that this can be changed. http://serverfault.com/questions/157854/py...on-for-mod-wsgi
  6. Py3k is backwards-incompatible with Py2k. This means that many libraries (Including django) do not yet support it fully. Also, it isn't more stable. Python 2.7 is based on years of development whereas python 3.2 is still being developed. In fact, an API freeze is only now being started. Also, I don't think wsgi supports py3k
  7. This isn't being dismissed, is it? Python 3.2 works. We just need 2.7 installed the same way, and then a simple reconfigure to wsgi should make django run on 2.7
  8. In my opinion, there are many reasons why using django with WSGI is much better than using just python with CGI. First, loading speed is important. WSGI will load django pages quickly. Next up is reliability. WSGI is superior is reliability vs. CGI. In fact, when standard rendered pages are down, WSGI is consistently up. On heliohost, where there can sometimes be minor glitches, this is a big plus. Also, the structure of django makes it far superior to CGI for developing applications which use easy-to-read URLs. I hope that this will encourage people to go through to (small) trouble of setting up a django application as opposed to using CGI.
  9. It doesn't look like OSQA needs py2.7. It sould work on 2.4. Of course, 2.7 is more stable.
  10. To make testing each python version easier, I've made a folder of python test programs that, if the server is running well, will always work. The files are: http://eap17.heliohost.org/pythontests/2.4.py http://eap17.heliohost.org/pythontests/3.2.py As more python versions get added (I hope) I will add tests here to make it easier for myself and others to confirm that an installation is currently working. Note, for consistency, I'd like to note that users who wish to keep python 2.4 can use: #!usr/bin/env python2.4 This will always run python 2.4. Of course, I guess tha centOS relies on py2.4, so this probably won't change.
  11. Stevie (The server) is currently under a lot of pressure because of the upcoming transfer to Charlie. (A new server) Be patient and it should be done soon.
  12. Oh! Yes! We have liftoff! I made a little script that runs cgi.test() and then also added a little bit that prints the python version. (To confirm that I'm using the right one.) #!/usr/bin/env python3.2 import cgi cgi.test() import sys ver = sys.version_info print("</br>Python Version:") print(str(ver.major)+'.'+str(ver.minor)+"."+str(ver.micro)) You can check out my results on my account. http://eap17.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test2.py If you want to run it, just be sure to have perms 755 on the file for public execution. Given that this works, I think it would be best to follow the same procedure for any other versions. I recommend adding 2.5-2.7, but just 2.7 will work. Also, I wrote above that some special config will need to be made to use python 2.7 with wsgi. I'm sure that this shouldn't cause problems because python is great about keeping depreciated functions and I don't know of any changes to builtins between 2.4 and 2.7.
  13. So the python binary would be at usr/bin/python3.2, I'd assume? Hmm. It looks like cpanel is having some load trouble. I'll try again later. If this works, I would like python 2.7, and I'll need to figure out how to configure mod_wsgi to run with python 2.7. EDIT: I'l assume that 37.00 is a high server load. Are you transferring accounts or something? About the mod-wsgi and different python versions, it looks like it is a server-wide setting. Considering that python is mainly backwards compatible, it should be okay to change it. http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/Inst...Python_Versions Just make sure not to use pyth 3.x! Oh no. I think I might have done something wrong. I made a simple script to print a simple thing, and then when I ran it, stevie crashed.
  14. What errors happened when compiling source? Or was it during install? I think that you need to supply an odd arguement to get multiple python versions on a linux distribution. http://pythonicway.blogspot.com/2011/02/in...nux-ubuntu.html This is python 3.2 on ubuntu, but the same process should apply to any linux operating system, because it doesn't rely on the deb package system. specifically it might work to use the alt-install parameter when building the source, as shown here.
  15. Um... Redhat based Linux distributions (like CentOS) are probably the most widely used web server distros. Don't be a zealot. I'm just biased towards debian because it's all I really use.
  16. What OS is charlie running? If it's debian based, you could have multiple versions of python. (I have 5 on my ubuntu install) Then you could have all the other programs use /usr/bin/python and have wsgi use /usr/bin/python2.7. Of course, I've never run a web server, so there's probably some silly thing that makes my idea totally ineffective. It's running CentOS which uses a RPM based packaging system (Think Redhat/Fedora), not DEB packages (Debian/Ubuntu). @djbob: no chance you could compile from source? You've got to be kidding. No debian? Is stevie the same thing? Sheesh. Still, it seems like it should be possible to maintain multiple versions of python. Considering that there are very few users on charlie, now would be the best time to try.
  17. What OS is charlie running? If it's debian based, you could have multiple versions of python. (I have 5 on my ubuntu install) Then you could have all the other programs use /usr/bin/python and have wsgi use /usr/bin/python2.7. Of course, I've never run a web server, so there's probably some silly thing that makes my idea totally ineffective.
  18. Would it be possible to have charlie be on the bleeding edge when it comes to pythn? It'd be great if it had python 2.7 with the newest django version. Better yet, move old python users there and then put a new version of python on stevie. Perhaps even just install python 2.7 under usr/bin/python2.7 (apt-get does this for you automatically) the only problem would be configuring wsgi to use either version depending on user request.
  19. Is that party still happening? I'll totally attend. If we get a good show and the world ends, I'll reimburse you for the expenses.
  20. Same issue. It must be system wide
  21. Thanks. Looking forward to it. It'd be nice if that were a cron job that ran whenever the system rebooted. Is there a way for me to manually duplicate what the script does to my account? I'd be willing to do that if it's going to take a lot of time to write the script.
  22. I'm still having the problem. Already configured!
  23. I accidently left the page during domain creation. It's been queued for like 4 days now. Username: eap17 main domain: eap17.heliohost.org addon: aliceonline.co.cc
  24. I've been having the same problem, but I just found the solution in the 755! I'd been making py fils and such, but they wouldn't work, however, I was able to use this one file I had. realized that everything had to have 755 perms for execution. THis may be obvious, but check your files!
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