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a charmed girl

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Everything posted by a charmed girl

  1. my favorite language is english, though i have lots of spelling mistakes (working on it lol). i love spanish too, not very good at it..but love it!
  2. here are all of the hebrew letters (writing is right to left): א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת and some letters that can be used only in the end of a sentence: ך=כ ם=מ ן=נ ף=פ ץ=צ we have another form for hand writing maybe ill upload a picture of it later n here is what he wrote in hebrew letters: "(1)וידבר ה' אל משה לאמר: (2) זאת תהיה תורת המצורע ביום טהרתו והובא אל הכהן: (3) ויצא הכהן אל מחוץ למחנה וראה הכהן והנה נירפא נגיע הצרעת מן הצרוע: (4) וציוה הכהן ולקח למיטהר שתי ציפורים חיות טהורות ועץ ארז ושתי תולעת ואזוב: (5) ושחט את הציפור האחת אל כלי חרש על מים חיים:"
  3. im british, but i live in israel
  4. http://miniclip.com/ it's a good one! it has some really cute games
  5. what do you think about the new apple computer, MacBook? i like it! it looks nice..but i still prefer the PowerBook
  6. SUgar We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
  7. Hear Me - Kelly Clarkson
  8. is it over yet? i think we can a google promotion cometition. u choose a word to promot, then the user that will be able to place his site on the first spot on google after a month or two, using this promotion word is the winner
  9. wow i hate these kind of sites! it's the most anoying this ever
  10. i prefer google! it's the most comfortable search engine
  11. I know HTML JS and ASP n learning PHP so i would have to say that ASP is the best one so far
  12. hi everyone! im new! im lior from israel i love kelly clarkson and charmed, and i also love designing with photoshop hope ill have fun
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