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Everything posted by nilayz

  1. Eh, what all subjects can u help?
  2. Godfather is the story of the Italian mafia... there are 3 films based on the book.
  3. You forgot to put in German
  4. Even I was connected to Logan first, but then Steve took over... though he couldn't solve my problem, he told me to submit a support ticket.
  5. I mean, what kind of games u like to play... FPS, Strategy...??
  6. Just check out this newly released 3D web browser. http://www.hamar.sk/sphere/spherexplorer.html
  7. nilayz

    More Updates

    I'm particularly happy about the IPB being upgraded... it is just sooo irritating to see those 'Your Search has been completed' messages. Plus the new server sounds great. when are we going to get transferred?
  8. That depends on what kind of game genre you prefer.
  9. Yep... website is working... just the Apache handler that is not.
  10. That Apache handler I added (HTML to be parsed as PHP) is still not working
  11. All representatives are currently busy. Please wait. . PS: You have to disable Pop-up blocker in your browser though
  12. None
  13. Site is working now.... but I had added a handler for html to act as a PHP page, that isn't working
  14. I think necromancing should be banned
  15. Really? All I knew was of a program called DOSAmp (from NullSoft) which can be used to play MP3 songs in DOS.... is there any way you can watch DVDs in a CLI environment? PS: I'm not talking about OS-es that comes with dual flavour.
  16. The MIT Media Laboratory expects to launch a prototype of its US$100 laptop in November. http://www.macworld.com/news/2005/09/29/mit/index.php
  17. Without GUI, you won't be able to watch videos on your comp !
  18. Ever wanted to find a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns? http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
  19. Adobe launched a new, MUST SEE, antipiracy site. While it's supposed to be about antipiracy, Adobe made it humorous with hilarious videos. Does Adobe think piracy is funny? http://www.copydetected.com/
  20. Or try this: http://www.stealthswitch.com/
  21. Oh I see... maybe I'll try doing this after my exams are over.
  22. This is soooooooooo kewl: http://fcmx.net/vec/get.swf?i=003702
  23. Try this link... it is working http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/vb/download/
  24. Probably you have toooooo many extensions installed.
  25. There's already a site that does it, so I don't think it is. After all, finding and downloading MP3s of free/non-copyrighted songs isn't illegal.
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