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  1. I'm not sure why but I cannot import schema, or gets connection lost while creating a table and can't connect to db. The error I get is #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) Thank you :D/&--#62; user name: timbitz main domain: timothyhan.heliohost.org server: stevie
  2. a. timbitz b. Stevie c. timothyhan@heliohost.org
  3. It is working again, before chrome simply said it could not find the website without any err number
  4. I'm sorry but it does not work again ( I Just want to know if its temporary thing or if there were actual problem with my server. Im Sorry to bother you frequently but please let me know if something went wrong or not. I Appreciate your help and advice. Thank you
  5. Sorry for frequent postings:( But its not working again And I would like to know if something went wrong or is it minor temporary problem. Domain is timothyhan.helionet.org Thank you for your help:)
  6. Hi, my website is simply not accessible since web browser cannot find my address. I can access to cpanel through heliohost.org my main domain is timothyhan.heliohost.org It was working fine like 20 minutes ago and I cant get around with this problem this is what chrome says Oops! Google Chrome could not find timothyhan.heliohost.org I appreciate your advise and help! Thanks Its been solved, I think it was a temporary thing sorry!
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